[8] |(Free!) Haruka: I trust you...just not him|

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Akira Sasabe's Pov.

"..Maya I'm leaving for school now!" I yelled out to my Manager aka my adopted mom, grabbing my school bag.

I saw her head poke out behind the wall.

"Want me to call our driver to drive you?" She asked, still getting ready for her day.

I shook my head.

"I'm going to go on the train with Haru and the others." I said sliding the front door open.

"Okay, remember you have a photoshoot tomorrow after school." Maya reminded me.

I nodded, closing the door and walked up the stairs to Haru's house.

My name's Akira Sasabe. I've been a model for the company Seria ever since Maya saw me swimming in my uncle's swim place. She took me as her own and became my manager. My real parents actually died in a car crash when I was little and I lived with uncle Goro before Maya adopted me.

Since it's my last year in high school. I decided to take modeling part time and finish the school year at Iwatobi high school. I was then reunited with childhood friends from my uncle's swim club. I am now assistant manager of the Iwatobi high school swim club. Helping Gou- I mean Kou out with everything.



I looked up and saw Mako waving like an idiot.

"You're going to Haruka's house too?" He questioned as I caught up with him.

I nodded.

He smiled.

"Of course you would, you are his Girlfriend after all." He teased, earning him a punch in the arm.

"Ouch Kira. That hurt." Mako pouted as we got to Haru's house.

"Hey Haruka!!" Mako yelled, knocking on the door.

I looked up at Haru's window, the curtains were still drawn. Meaning he's still asleep or he's in the tub.

Mako sighed, motioning me to follow him to the back.

"..I swear, he's going to make us late..." Mako muttered under his breath.

"I'm going to raid Haru's Fridge." I said heading to the kitchen.

I heard Mako chuckle and continued to get Haru.

I opened the fridge and found a bunch of mackerel and pineapple. Along with Tea, Milk, etc.

I sighed, running my shoulder length light blonde hair with my hands. Making my bangs fall over my light brown eyes. Haru needs to learn to make other dishes that doesn't involve mackerel.

Flipping my bangs to the side. I opened one of the cabinets and found an instant Ramen bowl. I grabbed it, along with a kettle, filling it with water and heating it up.

Screw diets, I'm not that kind of model that starves themselves. I love food too much to give it up.

I opened the wrapper on the bowl and poured in the seasoning, waiting for the water to boil.

Once I heard the kettle whistle, I poured the hot water in my ramen and covered it up to get ready.

I heard Mako and Haru talking, feet shuffling closer. I grabbed chopsticks along with Haru's Apron.

Once they walked in, I chucked the apron at Haru. He immediately tied it on over his swimsuit and started to make his usual Mackerel and Toast.

I Hopped on the counter, unwrapping my ramen and started to slurp it.

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