[12] |(OHSHC) Hikaru: Why do you hate me?|

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Luna's Pov.



"..Five more minutes.." I mumbled.


I groaned, slowly sitting up to see a wild Haruhi with her arms crossed and in her PJ's.

"Did I forget to lock the door again?" I asked, stretching, yawning as well.

"No I got the key from my dad." Haruhi said dragging me out of bed.

"Go get ready, breakfast is already ready next door." Haruhi said.

I live next door from Haruhi, my parents use to like with me but they left to America.

So Ranka took me in as his own but allowed me to stay in my apartment. Paying the rent for me. I could've stayed in their place but there wasn't much room. That's okay, I have my music to comfort me.

"Kay." I said sleepily, sauntering to my bathroom, getting ready.

Once I finished and got on the Banana Dress with my white stockings and brown flats. I grabbed my bag and locked the door. Walking next door.

"Hello Sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" Ranka asked as I sat down and ate the food in front of me.

I nodded, not wanting to be rude by talking with food in my mouth.

Haruhi came out all dressed for the day to be a crossdresser as always.

"Come on, we're going to be late for the train." Haruhi said as she got her shoes on.

I gobbled the rest of my breakfast and scrambled to catch up with Haruhi.

"Bye Girls!" Ranka said.

"Bye!" We said as we walked out.

I took out my iPod and earbuds, starting to listen to my music.

I saw Haruhi sigh and grabbed my arm, dragging me the rest of the way.

We got to the classroom with five minutes to spare.

I saw Haruhi greet the twins, I waved at them. Kaoru waved back but Hikaru scoffed, looking away.

I shrugged it off and sat down at my seat, laying my head down on the desk.

Why does Hikaru hate me so much?

I don't remember doing anything wrong to him to make him hate me?

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I pulled one earbud out, turning around.

Haruhi told me to pay attention.

I nodded and paused my music. Putting my iPod back in my bag.


"...Okay class! I am going to assign you a partner for your projects."

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