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The wind quietly ruffled the trees of the nearby oak trees as a tan colored she cat with white spots padded through the oaks. The wind seemed to ruffle the cats fur and the full moon seemed to shine bright in the sky but she continued on with determination up a rocky slope. She stopped at the foot of the mountain in front of a small pool of water that had the moon reflecting in it and surrounded by cats who seemed to be waiting for her. "Just what do you think this will accomplish!" The cat spat at a orang pelted tom cat with darker fur who stood calmly on the other side of the pool. "It was best that they know now" The cat said calmly but had a certain edge to it. Some of the cats that sat around the pool seem to murmur in agreement. "No it wasn't! They are still only in apprentices in training!" The she cat hissed back. A few cats murmured agreement as well on her side. A light brown cat with strange black stripes spoke out among the murmurs "But you were the one that showed the Darkclan apprentice the forest Applepelt". The murmurs seemed to grow much louder as Applepelt looked at the cat that spoken out "That is true but I did not know that we were gonna tell them so soon" she countered. But a White she cat with black stripes padded up to beside her, there pelts brushing "I do agree they are young to learn this but isn't it better to learn this now and to be ready than them being unprepared, Mother?" She asked in a low voice. The older cat lashed her tail furiously but only said to her "Tigerlily this is a lot to put on 2 kits" she countered loud enough for the whole group of cats to hear her. Tigerlily pushed her nose to the older cats muzzle but said nothing. "It may be a lot but we have to have faith in them" they heard a voice yowl over the other cats. All the cats grew silent as they all looked over to the mountain where a cats figure was perched on the narrow passage way up the mountain. Applepelts neck fur started to rise as the cat padded down the mountain slope and then padded toward the group the moon showing the cats appearance. The cat was a tan she cat with dark brown spots on her back and around her eye along with a few stripes on her tail. The she cat padded up and stood beside a black cat with a white stripe from his head to his tail tip that had a long scar across his flank where fur wouldn't grow. "How do you even know if its them who are the two?" She countered in a low growl. But instead of the she cat answering the orange pelted tom did curling his tail over his paws "Because on the night after we saw the sign that a Silver animal was protecting its children from wolves" he said his voice leveled. But Applepelt looked at him her fur still bristling "Do you know how many Silver cats their could be in a lifetime, Flamestar?" She asked Tigerlily beside her trying to calm her by brushing her tail across her mothers flank. Flamestar looked at her his eyes holding confidence "Do you doubt it could be your kin that are meant to save our clans? Do you think they could not handle something like this?" He countered. The she cats fur fluffed out making her look twice her size "Of course I don't! I just don't want you to put all this pressure on 2 young cats who may not even be the right cats!" She yowled. The orange tom eyed her "Then trust me that they are the cats and that it was best to tell them". Applepelt bit back a retort and looked at the moons reflection silence claiming them for a moment. The tan cat spoke out through the eerie silence to Applepelt "I have faith in them that they will do the right thing" she said calmly. Applepelt looked at her furry in her eyes and engulfing her "This is all your fault, Reedheart!" She hissed loudly at her. She shook her daughters tail off her "If you had only staid in your own clan then-" she was cut off with Tigerlily putting her tail to the cats mouth. Reedheart looked at her sympathetically "Your right it is." The black tom looked at Reedheart and moved closer to her to where there pelts were brushing. Reedheart looked up at the tom then at Applepelt "But I won't regret loving him or having his kits" she said her eyes having a look of confidence. Applepelt heard a cat say out loud "Just like her father a kittypet lover" in a mmrow of laughter. She eyed the cat as a pure black skinny tom with green eyes perched on the far side of the pool. "Nightspirit" Flamestar had started but was cut off by a low growl from the black and white striped tom "Wanna say that to me over here?" The tom hissed at him and even Reedheart had her claws unsheathed ready to claw his pelt off. The black tom rose to his paws about to stride to the other side of the pool to but was stopped by light brown tabby she cat that held out her tail to block his way "Enough Nightspirit and Badgerfur" the she cat said. Nightspirit eyed Badgerfur before sitting back down beside the she cat and Badgerfur sat down as well his neckfur rising. "Thank you Oakstar and Reedheart sheathe your claws" he said dipping his head to the other leader before Reedheart muttered something and sheathed her claws. "Anyway Badgerfur you have already done your part on this as well correct?" He said going back to the main topic. Badgerfur looked at Nightspirit for second before nodding "Yes its been done". Flamestar looked at the moon reflecting in the pool "Then beyond this point their isn't anything we can do but wait" he said many cats around the pool nodding their heads but Applepelt looked at the old Darkclan leader with a look of disapproval "Since we told them about the prophecy how about we tell them the other secrets your keeping from them?" She said looking from Flamestar, to Badgerfur, to Reedheart. Everything went silent but then Reedheart spoke out "They aren't ready to know yet" She told the other she cat. "Yet their ready to know of the prophecy" she countered and turned around. "The lies you all have allowed to fester and grow may be the downfall to all the clans" She said and then padded back through the forest saying no more words to the other Starclan cats.

Friends Or Foes Warriors: CaptivityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon