Chapter 16

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Silverpaw stopped a few foxlengths away from the nest "Alright give me Ravenkit and leave!" She said sternly looking back as the clouds darkened hinting rain. The tom stopped next to the cat scanning her for a second "As I said bossy when you want to be but then again its a good trait in a leader" he said suddenly but handed the kit over to her. It kinda surprised the she cat how easy it was to convince the tom to leave. But as the tom padded a few pawsteps toward the route they had taken to get there he stopped "Meet me at the pool at the mountains in two moonrises" he said suddenly which shocked the cat. "And why would I do that?" She mumbled looking him in the eyes as he looked over his shoulder "To keep me quiet about your clan being in a very weakful state right now and because I have some questions for you as I may have answers for you as well. So it will be a win win situation" He explained. She looked at him with distrustful eyes "How do I know once I tell you that you still won't tell your Clan?" She asked. The toms eyes turned stern "I am truthful down to my last word. I put my life on this that I won't tell if you do this" he said with a serious face. Silverpaw sighed she had no choice but to trust him "By the way none of it has to do with your clan secrets" he chimed in snapping her out of thought. She nodded "Fine i'll go" she said watching the tom turn around fully. "Good then I'll see you in two moonrises at the pool. Don't forget!" He said before touching noses with the she cat and disappearing the way they came. She stifled another sigh as she padded to the nest. She paused launching herself on to the Silver boulder propped next to the wall and then jumped on the wall then over it. She quickly padded in to the nest hearing a loud gasp as she entered and then a voice questioned "Silverpaw?!". She looked around seeing the nest crowded with her clanmates and all there eyes on her. She didn't say a word scanning through the crowd seeing Foxpaw and Poppytail crowded at one side with some herbs they could carry. She didn't waste any time herding through the cats to get to them. Many cats gasping as they Spottedstar on her back. The medicine cat gasped as she stopped in front of her and just dropped her leader carefully in front of her. The medicine cat gasped "Spottedstar?!" And started to nudge her sister nervously. Then she looked over at her brother who seemed to be in a trance as soon as he saw her but snapped out of it as she showed him the kit and took her from her looking through the small bundle of herbs for the right herb. She felt cats pushing up against her as she started to see cats surround the cats. "Silver!" She heard and looked over to see the two kits bolting toward her. "Boulderkit Cougarkit-" she started but let out a small yelp as they pounced on her. "This is what you get for leaving us alone!" Cougarkit said playfully then batted at her nose. While Boulderkit just nodded nipping at her ear. She let a small chuckle as she just sat up knocking Boulderkit back so he was just laying on her back and Cougarkit was just laying on her head. "Spottedstar...." She heard and turned her head to see the medicine cat bowing her head in shame "I failed... she lost another life" she said as many of the cats bowed their heads as well. Silverpaw included 'I got here to late!' She thought saddly as a rang of silence passed then a small flash of life. They all raised their heads seeing the leader glow "What's happening?" Boulderkit asked his eyes shining. "She is loosing one of her nine lives" Silverpaw answered eyes watching as the light showed Spottedstars life leaving her body and padding toward the side of the nest. "Beautiful" She heard Cougarkit whisper before the life disappeared. She looked back towards her leaders body that twitched as she opened her eyes. She got up groggly as Poppytail bowed shamefully "I'm so sorry Spottedstar I couldn't save your life.... nor could I have saved Rosepetals" she said sadly. "It's alright" she said touching the top of the cats head with her nose.
Many cats started to break off after a while Silverpaw once again included but was glomped by a golden pelt "Silverpaw! Where were you?!" Her sister yowled angrily as she pressed up against her letting out a loud purr "I missed you". "I would like to know that to." She heard a voice say in anger and annoyance. She looked behind her sister to see her fathers Cinderhawk. Before he could say much more she pounced on the tom "Father!" And pressed up against him letting out loud purrs as he did as well. He licked her behind the ears comfortingly "Don't ever leave like that again" he purred. Then she was covered by licks and purrs complemented of her mother "Are you trying to kill me?!" Her mother hissed. "I can't deal with loosing another kit" her mother scolded as Silverpaw lowered her head. She had almost forgotten about her brother Blackkit who had died of greencough. "I'm sorry" she said continuing to look at the nests ground. "Its alright just please don't leave for so long again" the queen asked licking at the apprentices ear in comfort. "I won't" she said letting out a small purr. "Hey don't leave me out!" She heard her brother say as he padded up to them. "Silverpaw you really know how to scare a cat" The tom said touching noses with the she cat and letting out a purr. She touched her nose to her brothers cheek "Yea sorry". She then felt a small prod her leg "Hm?". She looked down to see Cougarkit "Were hungry, Silver" the kit whined. All the cats looked down at the small kit and his brother who was a few pawsteps. The first to say something was her mother Goldenfur "And just who might these two adorable kits be?" She said leaning down to get a better look at them. "Well i'm Cougarkit and that's my brother Boulderkit" he said pointing with his tail at his spotted brother. "They're Max's kits" Silverpaw said which made all the cats look at her. She already knew that her punishment was soon to be stated.

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