Chapter 19

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          Silverpaw and Cinderhawk soon returned to the twoleg nest; Silverpaw only seeming to catch another mouse, and a vole. While Cinderhawk caught a blackbird and a Robin. Once, they returned they set the kill at a small corner of the den where already a mouse and thrush were. She watched as her father padded off quietly to Spottedstar seeing as how most of the warriors and all the apprentices had left to help reinforce the camp. She noticed only cats there was her, Spottedstar, Cinderhawk, Foxpaw, Popppytail, Greyflower, her kits, Fang, her kit, and Boulderkit along with Cougarkit. She quietly just padded toward the nursery of the den stopping when she heard "You two smell weird," The oldest tom Snowkit commented sniffing at the other tom's pelt. Boulderkit ears went down a bit in embarrassment, while his brother Cougarkit says "That's because we came from the nofurs place,". The kits tilted his head in confusion while Ashkit but in saying "Nofurs?" Questionably. Fang chose this time to say "When he says nofurs he means twolegs" The queen said between licks while she washed her kit. Silverpaw started to notice some things about the queen from her strange eyes to the purple collar that was full of teeth. She wasn't sure what kind though she guessed possibly cat teeth. Snowkit started to taunt the kit a bit "So your a kittypet?" He asked while the other tom just shrugged "I was a kittypet now I'm a clan cat." He said proudly puffing out his chest in pride. Ashkit let a small mmrow of laughter before saying "Kittypets can't be warriors,". Boulderkit pulled himself together to ask abruptly "Why can't we be warriors?". Snowkit answered for his brother to the senior kits "Because warriors are clan-born," he insisted. The two kits fur started to bristle before Ravenkit said something from beside her sleeping mother "That's not true," she said contradicting her brother before rising to her paws and padding to the group. "Greyflower said that being clan-born doesn't make a warrior," the small kit said padding up the older kits; reaching up to touch a paw to Boulderkits chest. "A cats heart makes them a warrior" She said kindly before pulling back her paw while the tom stared at the shekit. Fang let out a purr of agreement "If I were to stay in the clan I'm sure Rabbitkit would make a fine warrior," She said licking at her only kits forehead. Snowkits fur bristled a bit "The other clans have clan-born kits and so should we!" He hissed but was cut off by his waking mother. "That's not nice Snowkit." She said said groggily looking to the group of kits. "They deserve to be here just as much as any kit!" Fang said protectively about the two kits. Greyflower cut in to say "Apologize you two. There here to be our clanmates and possibly friends to you." She told her two sons. The two tom's growled a bit in annoyance "We're sorry," They said in unison. The two tom's looked at each other before Fang asks "Now what do you say kits?". The two tom's smiled a bit "It's alright," They said together. Before much else was said Ravenkit seemed to acknowledge her presence "Silverpaw!" The shekit said pouncing happily up to the cat touching noses with her. The rest of the kits scrambled after her surrounding her entirely. "Where have you been?" Ashkit asked while his brother added "We thought you had died or went rogue!". Ravenkit rounded on her brother with bristled fur "She never would go rogue!" She hissed defiantly. Silverpaws mind wondered for a second she had heard about cats abandoning they're clan to be rogues or Kittypets but she'd never do that. She snapped out of her thought when she heard Cougarkit say proudly "She was with us and teaching us how to be warriors!" He said imitating the warriors crouch. This truly seem to spark something in the 2 younger kits as they seemed to try to imitate Cougarkits movement. The older tom swiped gently at Snowkits leg "A bit wider," He instructed. Silverpaw couldn't help but let out a small mmrow of laughter at the sight. A small kit instructing a even smaller kit how to do a hunters crouch like a mentor would an apprentice. The kits looked at her head tilted confused while the other 2 queens started to laugh as well. Ravenkit mimicked the tom to while Boulderkit did as well. Ravenkit looked at the older kit fixing her position to look the same as him. Silverpaw soon just turned and padded out of the den being stopped at the opening of the den "Silverpaw!" She looked over her shoulder to see Cinderhawk. He beckoned for her with his tail to come over to him. She padded up to the older warrior flicking his tail to the side of the den where Spottedstar sat patiently looking out the broken twoleg window "Spottedstar wishes to speak with you?" He said a bit reassuringly. She looked in her father's eyes seeing bits and pieces of worry before letting out a small sigh before the tom added "It'll be alright she only wishes to speak," he said giving her a small lick on the forehead before padding out the den. She almost had to drag her paws over to their leader her heart pounding in her chest. Her mind trying to think of what to say before getting their ' Whatever I say will decide how this whole thing plays out,' She thought before being interrupted by loud pounding of paws before she saw the rushing of ginger fur pass by her then a tan pelt. Her brother Foxpaw along with his mentor Poppytail quickly stopping in front of their leader. His mentor panting for air while his eyes sparkled as he said to the older cat "Spottedstar! We have something urgent to tell you!" He said a bit proudly. Spottedstars eyes shown a look of interest at the young cats eyes "What is it ,Foxpaw?" She asked. "I was told a prophecy!" The cat said bouncing up and down like a excited kit. Silverpaws eyes widened as she heard the news. Spottedstars eyes widened as she then looked to her sister for conformity. The cat nodded "He had fallen asleep while we were fetching more poppy seeds," She started shooting a stern glance at her apprentice who just looked at his paws a bit under his mentors glance. She then continued saying "He had been told by a cat he had never truly ever met or even seen before,". She explained. "Who was the cat?" She asked her interest peaking more. What the cat said next made her start to remember the prophecy she was told "Reedheart,". And just like that the prophecy was clear in her mind once more.

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