Chapter 3

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Max helped Silverpaw through the opening of the twolegs nest through a 'Cat door' through a 'Door'. Silverpaw was cautious at first but once seeing max push his way through it and push his head back through assuring her its alright. He grabbed her by the scruff as she passed through dragging her forward so she wouldn't put much strength on it. Once outside Silverpaw started to feel the sun warm her fur again and purred in delight then noticed a strange smell clinging to her fur. "I smell like a kittypet" She said not hiding the disgust in her tone. Max only mmrowed a bit in laughter "Well of course. The Twolegs had to wash you to get rid of fleas, ticks, dirt, and other stuff." He explained. Silverpaw huffed in anger "I don't have fleas or ticks! And the dirt is from hunting and helping my clan." She said defensively to the older cat. Max then pondered and corrective himself "Well what I mean is the smell". Silverpaw tilted her head she layed down in front of the Twoleg nest on her belly "What's wrong with my scent?". "Your scent doesn't smell good to the nofur- I mean Twolegs" he said raising a paw pointing at a twoleg kit that passed the opening to the nest. Silverpaw sighed and put her head on her paws. "Be lucky they didn't take your claws away" she heard a voice say. She looked to her other side where Max wasn't perched beside her. On top of a stoned wall was a tan long legged tom with black spots and underbelly. Max got to his paws and turned to the tom "Hey Berry!" He said his ears twitching at the tom. The tom hopped off the stones and padded toward him " Hi How are you Max?". "I'm doing okay just coming outside for some fresh air with Silverpaw here" he said back friendly pointing his tail at Silverpaw. The tom looked at her with surprised eyes "Oh hello their young one" he said nicely to her. Silverpaw dipped her head to her "Hello their Berry. I'm Silverpaw" he said dipping her head to her. He returned the gesture "Hello" he said calmly. "She's my friend that lives in the forest with those group of cats" Max said pointing toward a small group of trees in the distance with his paw. "And Berry lives in the Twoleg nest over with his mate Lilly and their kits Jena and Pickles" Max added in. "Did someone say my name?" She heard a small shrieky voice say. The tom disappeared over the fence then reappeared with a small kit dangling from his jaws. Berry hopped down carefully on to the grassy floor before putting his daughter down. Silverpaws ears twitched as he landed and she could here the small scurrying of a mouse in the tall grass that laid along the the stone walls. Her stomach growled at the thought of eating a fresh mouse. She couldn't remember the last time she ate a mouse. Maxs ears twitched to as he got up and slowly slid toward the grass getting into a perfect hunters crouch. Silverpaw watched in amazement as the tom slid carefully in the grass and pounced on the mouse killing it with a bite to the neck. Silverpaw found it hard to believe that this cat was suppose to be blind. The mouse hung limp from his jaws as he padded toward her. Max laid the fresh kill at her paws and licked his paws then dragged it across his face. She sniffed at the mouse curiously and dipped her head to Max "Thank you". Max continued giving himself a quick grooming but stopped to say "Don't worry about it" then continued his grooming. Silverpaw leaned down to enjoy her mouse but stopped when hearing the sound of the Cat door opening. Rex scrambled out before his brother and mother "Jena!" He said padding excitedly to his friend. Spots padded toward Max and Silverpaw yawning as though he just woke up. Crystal stretched at the front of the small door showing off her broad shoulders. Spots stopped in front of Silverpaw seeing the mouse. He sniffed curiously at it then prodded at it with a fore paw in curiosity "Are you actually gonna eat this?" He asked in a suprise tone with a hint of discuss. "Yea why wouldn't I?" She asked taking a bite out of the mouse. Spots wrinkled his nose a bit at the smell of the dead mouse. Silverpaw saw a certain look in Max's eye as he heard her eat the fresh kill. A thought accrued to her if they were gonna live in the forest they should have to get use to fresh kill. Max seemed to agree and nodded at her "How about you try it?" Silverpaw suggested pushing the mouse a bit more toward him. Spots once again sniffed it but hesitantly took a bite then made a strange face. "You don't like it?" She asked watching the small Tom shake his head. "That's not it it just tastes weird" he said shaking his pelt. Jena and Rex took this time to pad up to them "What are you guys doing?" Jena asked. "What are you eating?" Rex asked also starring at the half eaten mouse. "A mouse" Spots said simply leaning down as if to take another bite. Rex sat beside him and leaned down wrinkling his nose at the smell like Spots did "And you guys actually like it?" He asked. "I'd never eat something like that!" Jena said sitting beside Rex. Rex leaned down and took a bite from it "Its not bad" he mumbled with his mouthful. "You should try it" Spots suggested to Jena. "Unless your scared" Rex meowed once swallowing his share. Jenas fur started to bristle "I'm not scared!" She declared then ate the rest of the mouse. Both the brothers started to mmrow in laughter at the face their friend made. Jena swallowed and said proudly "See not scared of anything!". "Well not of mouse" Rex said and pounced on the She kit and they started to tumble in the grass. Spots padded over and pounced on the two joining in on the playing. "Sorry you didn't get to eat your mouse" Max said apologetically. "Its alright" Silverpaw said while watching the kits play "They will have to adjust to eating fresh kill instead of Kittypet food" she added. 'I just hope they'll be able to adapt to the forest'.

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