Chapter 5

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As much as Silverpaw wished to wake up and be back in her hollow with the smell of her clanmates around her. It never happened she always awoke to sitting on the soft boulder alone. Well ever since that night with Spots coming to sleep on the soft boulder and him and her talking about the clans he started to sleep their with her every night for company. Then Rex woke up one night to find his brother gone and found him sleeping next to Silverpaw then slept with them as well. So Silverpaw never slept alone really anymore. She stopped counting the sunrises that she remained their either perched on the soft boulder all day or going to sit in front of the nest. Anyway Silverpaw awoke to find herself perched on the Soft boulder and climbed down carefully then limped over to the pan that held her water and the kittypet food. She never touched the kittypet staying loyal to her blood of a clan cat. Her leg was starting to become more bearable to move alone. She limped out the small cat door and was almost swept off her paws by 4 blurs racing by. "Can't catch me Rex!" Jena yowled playfully dodging the other kits assaults. While Spots was wrestling Pickles, Jenas brother. She hissed at them a bit in annoyance at almost falling. They all continued playing around ignoring her. She laid down letting the sun warm her fur as she stared out in the direction of her home. She shut her eyes for a second and saw a flash of red then a strange smell of distant smoke filled her nose. Her eyes quickly snapped open in alarm and looked around. She looked both ways and became aware of her surroundings. She felt a tail brush across her flanks repeatedly to calm her. She looked over her shoulder and saw Crystal brushing her tail across her flank then Lily brushing hers on the other side, Pickles and Jenas mother also Berrys mate. "Its alright" the dark cream colored queen said soothingly in her ear. She hadn't noticed her unsheathed claws digging into the mud or her neck fur bristling. She hesitantly sheathed her claws and let her neck fur lie flat. "What's the matter?" Crystal asked her in genuine concern. Silverpaw shook her head "Nothing I just smelled smoke for a second" She said to the two queens. Lily sniffed the air as did Crystal but only tilted her head in confusion "I don't smell anything" she admitted. Crystal nodded in agreement "Maybe it was just a passing smell from one of the other nests" She suggested. Silverpaw only nodded agreeing that probably what it was. The two queens hopped onto the stones fence and went over to the other nest. Silverpaw was afraid to shut her eyes at the thought of smoke filling up her nose again. She felt something tumble across her paws and noticed Spots sitting a few kitten steps away from her "Play with us!" He said and pounced on her side playfully nipping at her ear. She didn't notice pickles on the otherside of her as the small tom pounced on her as well and cuffed her other ear. She could resist mmrowing in laughter as she then extended a paw and start to bat at Spots side carefully until he let go then did the same to Pickles. The two kits tumbled around then Spots suggested "Lets play clan cats!" He said with excitement and waved over to Jena and Rex who were tumbling in the over grown grass at the side of their territory. "What's clan cats?" Pickles asked tilting his head as the other two kits arrived. "Its when you play warriors" Spots said and pounced on Pickles "Get out of our camp you mouse brained Iceclan cat!". The other kit yowled in what seemed like amusement "Bring it on you cowardly Darkclan cat" he yowled back play fighting with him. Jena got into a somewhat fighting stance "You can't beat Iceclan! We always win!" She stated joining in on the fight with spots. Rex stood beside Silverpaw and looked up at her in curiosity "As your deputy, Rex. I suggest we help our fellow clanmate" the small tom said. Spots broke away from the two 'Iceclan warriors' To tell his brother "Clan cats don't have names like that" before being plunged back into the fight. "Really?" The kit asked sounding disappointed a bit "Then what would my name be?". "Well usually the mother would name the kit something like 'Bramblekit', 'Spiritkit' 'Silverkit', or even 'Sunkit'." She admitted truthfully and pondered for a second then looked into the kits eyes. Rex's icy blue eyes held a look of bravery, and honesty to Silverpaw. "Cougarkit" She said outright to the young tom. The tom's eyes sparkled in excitement yet slight confusion "Cougarkit?" He repeated. And Silverpaw nodded then as to prove it she stood up to her paws and extended a paw to him and placed her paw on the kits head "From today until the day you receive your apprentices name I dub you Cougarkit" she said playfully then touched noses with the small tom. Rex eyes widened in excitement as he bounced up and down at getting his clan kit name. She didn't notice the other three had stopped there game to watch them until the three kits tumbled over to the newly called Cougarkit. "Ooh our turn" Jena said in unison with Pickles and both bounded up to Silverpaw her tail swishing in excitement. Silverpaw mmrowed in laughter a bit before looking in both kits eyes and finding a suitable name. "From today until you to as well gain your apprentice names I dub you Heatherkit" She said touching the small she cat with one paw "And Stormkit" she placed the other paw on the toms head. She took both her paws off their heads and they bounded off to sit by Rex or now Cougarkit then turned to the final kit Spots who was a few paw steps away watching her. She limped a bit to the smallest tom and placed her paw on his head "And finally from this day forth I name you Boulderkit. May Starclan light all your paths" She said then removed her paw. The kits bounded together to talk excitedly about their new names. But Silverpaw just chuckled and layed back down on her side 'At least they'll get use to the idea of Boulderkit and Cougarkit' she thought.

Friends Or Foes Warriors: CaptivityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon