Chapter 18

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Silverpaws ears twitched as she heard the loosely breathing of her clanmates. She opened her eyes slowly looking at the top of the empty twoleg nest. She let out a sigh getting to her paws looking to her side feeling fur brushing against hers. She looked down seeing Redclaw along with Boulderkit and Cougarkit curled up on a moss bedding. She forgot she had slept next to the tom seeing as Rosepetal was no longer there and the kits had yet to meet Fang seeing how they were persistent to follow the other cats to where the medicine cats had there herbs. She carefully stepped over the other sleeping cats in her way which were her sister and brother. She quietly padded to the front of the den looking at the almost dawn light. She opened her mouth to taste the air. She tasted the damp scent of mud but none of prey. She didn't expect their to be any because of the fire and the rain didn't really help. Her clan wouldn't have as much prey as before, but she was sure they'd be alright. She padded out of the nest and into the damp air carefully hopping on the silver boulder against the wall. She carefully hopped on to the wall despite the slippery surface the boulder gave off she then leaped off the wall landing on her paws. She couldn't help but shiver as the wind ruffled her fur as it passed from the moorland. She turned and padded away from the wind; taking the familiar trail to her camp. As she passed she noticed the charred parts of the trees, some that had only been a little, and a few that had been charred fully. She sighed once she made it to her camp; of course she couldn't go in the tree that had almost crushed her. She was tempted to sneak in through the hole, she used to escape, but was stuck at just staring at the entrance of her camp. The trees that covered it had been charred in places and the brambles need to definitely be replaced at the entrance. "Oh no...." She couldn't help but let slip out.
"Surprising isn't it?" She heard a voice say behind her. She whirled around seeing Cinderhawk behind her looking at the charred camp then at her. He padded to her side; brushing pelts with her as he sighed. "It'll be alright" He finally said after a few moments passed. She looked at her father oddly silver eyes that reflected a look of confidence. She nodded "Glad to know," She said a bit unsure to her father.
She didn't know how long they stared there until the cinder tom suggested hunting so that their would be some prey for their hungry clanmates. She let her father lead her up the slope no longer deciding to check for prey nearby seeing as none were likely to come out. They made it to the fireclan border following it up stream. Silverpaw stopped a few pawsteps behind her father, who stopped to look back at her. Her ears twitched as she saw the bushes on the opposite side of the border rustle. Not even a moment later padded out was a grey she cat with a tan tom apprentice with a white underbelly and chest. Trailing behind the apprentice was who she recognize was Blackear, his apprentice Bearpaw, Stoneclaw, and his apprentice Smallpaw. The warriors took notice to the tom and she cat as the one leading the patrol nodded a greeting to Cinderhawk "Greetings Cinderhawk," The she cat said. The tom nodded back "Greetings Smokebird," he greeted back. She looked at the cats seeing two of the apprentices looking at her a bit questionably she gave a court nod at the other apprentices; who she knew one was Smallpaw and assumed the other was her brother Mousepaw. They nodded back as her eyes then traveled to the two toms side by side. Both Stoneclaw and Bearpaw seemed to look alike side by side; mainly their grey pelts and broad shoulder. The older warrior eyes stared at hers as he nodded to her acknowledging her. She nodded back to him then at Bearpaw who held a strange look in his eyes. "Hello Blackear. Hello Stoneclaw," Her father said breaking her thoughts. The two tom nodded back but Stoneclaw held her fathers stare for a moment before looking down at her. "Come Silverpaw," Her father said using his tail to nudge her forward a bit. She took one more look behind her seeing the other clan cats giving her strange looks before she padded after after her father who lead her to the rocky slope. They continued the journey in silence as they finally made it to the narrow way up the mountain. Cinderhawk carefully led the way up both the slopes before waiting for Silverpaw in front of a crooked tree. Once she made it to her fathers side he opened his jaws tasting the air before pointing with his tail toward two oak trees. She tasted the air as well tasting the scent of rabbit and a mouse. She followed her father then stopped as he got into the hunting crouch and stalked quietly behind the tree up to a young hare. Once in a good jumping distance the hares ears twitched but before it could run Cinderhawk launched himself at the hare killing it with a bite to the neck. The wartior strolled up to the apprentice in triumph with the prey dangling from his jaws. The apprenticed tasted the air again getting a stronger smell of mouse as she padded quietly a few foxlengths away. She then noticed a mouse on the root of a tree eating at a hazelnut. She stalked quietly through the ferns being careful to step over fallen branches before accidentally stepping on a small twig. The mouses ears shot up twitching a few times before shooting toward a over grown tree roots. She shot toward the mouse catching with barely a paw step away from escaping. She killed with a sharp nip to the neck. The mouse went limp as she tasted blood touch her tongue. She heard rustling behind her and turned to see her father Cinderhawk perched two foxlengths away. "You seem to have lost a little of your touch." Her father commented watching her carefully. Her ears went down a bit 'My first time hunting back and I mess up!' She scolded herself looking at her paws.

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