Chapter 23

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Silverpaw let out a small sigh of relief as she clawed her way out of the thicket. She looked over shoulder to make sure no clumps of her fur had stuck to the thorns. "Was pushing me in the bush necessary?" She asked a bit unpleasantly as she half heartedly glared at the tom. He chuckled once more flicking her ear "Would you prefer to have gotten caught?" He asked before turning to Mistypaw "Now explain." He said seriously.
              Once all was explained the older apprentice nodded in understanding, but scolded the apprentice. "You know better than to wander off alone, nonetheless to try fishing when you can't even swim well yet." He said giving the small cat small hope with the yet in his tone. He then turned to the she cat and dipped his head at her "Although you have no right to come to our territory, thank you for rescuing Mistypaw, Silverpaw." He said kindly with a sweet tone laced in his words. She shook her head and dipped her head back "I'm sorry for intruding." She said back as both the cats lifted their heads staring into each other's eyes for a moment. They snapped out of it and just chuckled a bit together before she looked at him honestly "If it's alright may I ask a favor?" She asked. He looked at her a bit suspicious but answered "What is it?". She looked a bit embarrassed "If it's alright, can you not tell anyone I've been here? I'm already on a thin line with Spottedstar as is." She answered honestly. The two Tom's looked at each other hesitantly but nodded. "You weren't doing anything wrong, so I suppose as long as it's not trouble for the clan it's okay." He said before pointing to a dirt path a bit deeper into the forest. "We need to keep going. They'll be back soon," Mistypaw said leading the way through the forest once more. Silverpaw and Bramblepaw made small talk as they continued through the thicket until they reached the edge of their border. The border was just a simple dug up dirt path, it was the only way to get to her own territory without passing the Iceclan markers. No one rarely checked this marker because it had no use to any of the clans, just a piece of land. "Are you coming to the next gathering?" He asked before she could get ready to launch herself over her border. She looked at her brown furred friend sadly "Unfortunately I won't." She said looking over her shoulder, touching noses with the tom. She leaned down lower to touch noses with Mistypaw. "Farewell, for now." She said before launching herself over the path clawing at a few scraps of grass to get a balance. She waved a small goodbye with her tail before trotting away and into the trees. She could no longer feel their gaze on her back as she finally made her way back to the twoleg nest. She came in time to catch Spiritpaw running up to the Silver Boulder about to jump on to it, when she heard Silverpaw coming and turned to her. She let out a loud sigh as she trotted up to her "Seriously? How many times are you gonna scare me half to death?" She hissed at her. She looked at her apologetically as her sister sighed once more and entwined their tales together. "I won't tell." She said simply after a moment of silence. "Thanks Spiritpaw." She said great fully as her sister shook her head. "You helped a cat, so it was for a good reason." She let silence roll after for a few moments before hearing a deep voice say "Hello." Behind the two.

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