Chapter 22

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The two cats quietly made their way through the small thicket not stopping for a moment. The young tom broke the silence by mewing at her "Thank you for saving me," he said looking up at her with sparkling green eyes. She looked down at the smaller apprentice, playfully flicking the time behind his ear with her tail "It's nothing really, no need for thanks." She said being careful to not brush her fur against the trees. While he hopped a bit excitedly beside her beaming with enthusiasm "Either way, thank you! My name is Mistypaw, what's yours?" He asked brushing a bit past her to lead her more carefully through the thicket. "I'm Silverpaw-" She started but as if on que her ears flicked upward as she the sound of a branch being crushed. The action made her stop in her tracks and eventually catching the attention of the other young cat. Who stopped and turned back towards her "What's the matter?" He asked but before she could even reply she started to slowly slip into a hunter's crouch. Before she could fully get into the crouch, she was pinned to the ground by strong paws to which she let out a small yelp of surprise, unshifting her claws about to take them across the cats flank. "Stop!" Mistypaw squeaked desperately to the cat almost quietly. Silverpaw eyes started to open hesitantly as she looked at the cat on top of her, which was hissing furiously at Mistypaw. She tilted her head a bit looking at the cats familiar brown fur and white paws "Bramblepaw?" She asked curiously. The cat froze as he turned to look down at Silverpaw with a look of surprise and almost shock. He looked a bit hesitant at first, but slowly let go of the young she cat. He took a few paw steps back as Silverpaw got to her paws shaking bits of leaves that attached to her fur. He couldn't stop the small chuckle that rumbled from his throat. "I can exp-" before Mistypaw could finish his words Bramblepaw pushed Silverpaw into the small bush thicket next to the Rainclan toms. Mistypaw looked at the tom questionable as if he was about to say something but was interrupted. Silverpaw stifled a yelp as she saw 3 cats step out from behind a few trees a couple of foxlengths away. One of the cats, a black and brown tom looked at Mistypaw with disgust, while a long legged white tom looked at him with confusion "Mistypaw, what are you doing out here?" The white tom mewed, while the silver, brown and black spotted she cat looked at him in relief. The small apprentice tail twitched a bit as he looked toward the two kinder cats apologetically. "I went for a small walk around the lake and was practicing fishing." Mistypaw mewed guiltily before dropping his head to look at his paws. The black and black tom from earlier muttered lowly "Practice? More like waisting your time." The she cat sent a small glare at the cat "Ratclaw, i would appreciate if you don't discourage my apprentice." She mewed before stepping a few pawsteps forward sweeping her tail across the apprentices nose lightly "You can't just walk off your own," she said before adding "You were suppose to be on border patrol with us,". The tom looked at his paws mumbling another apology to his mentor once more. A couple of moments passed as the long legged tom nodded toward deeper into the forest "We must continue the border patrol." He announced starting to lead with Ratscar following, but neither of the apprentices did. "Midnightblush, if it is alright I would like to continue practicing fishing." The small apprentice mewed looking at his mentor with pleading eyes. The she cat pondered a bit on it seeming hesitant on leaving the apprentice alone. Bramblepaw swayed his tail comfortingly before mewing "I can stay with him and help him practice." He offered. Midnightblush gave the tom a appreciative look as she looked toward Ratclaw for approval. The senior warrior rolled his eyes but nodded taking the lead as the white tom followed "Alright, me, Ratclaw, and Snowwhisker will go on ahead you two stay close by. We will be back." She mewed following after the other cats. Once she disappeared deeper into the forest she heard the older apprentice let out a loud sigh looking at the bush "You can come out now."

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