Chapter 15

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  Silverpaws eyes widened in fear "Oh no" she whispered then looked down at the kits who's eyes widened in fear as well except for Cougarkit who's eyes held determination "We have to help them!" He declared taking a step forward stopping when Silverpaw grabbed him by the scruff yanking him back "No way!" She mumbled through his fur then started to nudge Boulderkit who snapped out of his trance. "Get on!" She said gesturing to her back with a nod. The kit didn't hesitate to climb on the older cats back who shot off toward the Iceclan border. "Why are we running away?! You said that clan cats take care of each other! And their clan!" Cougarkit prompted wiggling in her jaws. "I did! And we do" She argued back keeping a grip on the kit "But we watch after our kits and queens first!" She said once she was not far from the Iceclan border. "So! We have to go back and help them! Cats could be dying right now!". Silverpaw stopped a few foxlengths from the Twoleg nest "No one is going to die! And I am going back" She said then raced toward the Silverboulder where she hopped on it, then the wall, and finally over it. She didn't hesitate to drop the kit and slide the other off her back. She pointed at the abandoned nest "Both of you wait for me in there" She hissed at the kits anxiously. "But-" Cougarkit prompted but was cut off by Boulderkit "Ok we will". Cougarkit looked at his brother in shock "We can't just let her go out there alone!" But his brother just put a tail on his shoulder "She'll be right back she'll be ok" he promised and looked at Silverpaw with confident but slightly scated eyes. "Right I will so just wait for me in there" she said pointing at the nest before launching herself at the wall and hooking her claws on the edges before scrambling over it. Silverpaw took a last look at the nest before shooting off for her camp. She could her heart beating fast as she ran there her leg being the last thing from her mind before she heard a cat yowl at her "Silverpaw?". She looked over her shoulder seeing a broad shouldered Cinder tom with black stripes across his whole body and a single brown spot on his chest. The cats golden eyes pierced Silverpaws green eyes "Bearpaw?" She questioned. The tom smirked at her "Long time no see for a while their you had me thinking you were dead" the tom commented. The silver cats tail twitch "Long time indeed-" She said but was cut off by rustle from the bush behind her. The cats eyes wander to the bush before a small Grey figure ran in to Silverpaws side but not enough to make her fall.  She looked down at the small figure realising him to be Ashkit. The small kits grey and white spotted fur was on the edge as he then looked up at Silverpaw "Silverpaw!" The small kit said with happiness and relief then his eyes turned wide again in fear "The camps on fire you gotta help!" He said frantically grabbing the apprentices leg fur trying to pull her toward the camp. "I know I know I was on my way-" she said as she heard the beating paws of a cat landing beside she looked over and saw bearpaw land beside her. Her neck fur started to rise as he cut her off before she could speak "Don't fret kitty I just wanna help" he said with confidence. "Well we don't-" She started his but was cut off by the Ashkits wine "Nowwww". She let out a loud sigh before picking up Ashkit by the scruff and raced off toward the camp not looking back at the other. Once there she stopped a few paw steps from the entrance bumping into Oakface. The toms eyes widened in shock at seeing the she cat "Silver-" he started but she cut him off as she just touched noses with the tom "Long time no see" she said quickly and passed the kit to Oakface who looked at her questionably. "Take him to the abandoned Twoleg nest to the Iceclan border there should already be 2 kits in there" She explained then nudged him over "I'll explain later" she said as the tom looked at her then at the kit before just nodding and raced off for the border. Once the tom was gone she heard a cat say "Wooow your pretty bossy when ya wanna be". She looked over her shoulder and saw Bearpaw. Her fur started to rise "Didn't I say we didn't" she started but was cut off by a loud yowl. She looked in to the camp seeing a few warriors shoot by one holding Snowkit which was Bluefeather and his mother Greyflower on the back of her brother Owltalon. She soon heard the crackling of the trees burning as the tree above them gave way and she was harshly pushed into the burning camp. She watched as the tree landed blocking their only exit. "Why did you push me into the burning camp why not aw-" But she was cut off by a voice calling behind her "Silverpaw?" She heard in a shock voice. She turned around looking at the cat that looked at her with wide eyes "S-Spottedstar?!" She stuttered. The leader eyes rolled from her to the cinder tom a few paws steps behind her. The leader opened her jaws to say something but before she could say anything another tree fell outside the camp causing a hoard of smoke to pass the cats who held their breath. But unfortunately Spottedstar couldn't hold it for long letting out a loud gasp inhaling a bunch of the smoke. She watched as the cat fell to her side letting out small breaths not being able to hold her breath any longer but Silverpaw quickly grabbed the cat by her neck fur yanking her toward the nursery. She let go once the smoke cleared letting out a hastily long breaths along with the other apprentice. She then heard a small mew "Please help". She looked over at one of the trees seeing a peice of black fur hanging out from the overgrowth of a large tree. Bearpaw saw this to strolling over to the the tree yanking the kit out by her tail. "Hey!" Silverpaw started before the tom gently picked up the kit by her neck fur revealing Ravenkit. The kits eyes were wide in a frantic but Silverpaw just shook her head grabbing her leader by her neckfur pulling her up a bit before quickly nudging under her "Come on lets hurry and leave" she said about to race for the nursery. "But the Entrance is blocked" he said but Silverpaw just shook it off "there is another way out" she said running for the nursery with the tom at her paws. She hurriedly nudged the vines away to reveal a hole "You first" She said pointing at the tom. Bearpaw slipped through the hole with a bit of difficulty but made it through. He grabbed Ravenkit from her jaws, then the unconscious Spottedstar, and finally helped Silverpaw through. The tom grabbed the kit and Silverpaw quickly put her leader on her back before padding quickly toward the Iceclan border.

Friends Or Foes Warriors: CaptivityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang