Chapter 11

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All the cats looked at Silverpaw with a shock expression "What?" Lily asked. Silverpaw repeated her self the nervousness loosing its tone "I'm leaving next sunrise". Berry tilted his head in confusion "So soon? It feels like you just got here" the tom started than thought about it for a moment. "I know but my legs feeling a lot better and I think... I should go back". The queen and tom looked at her thoughtfully "Well if that's how you feel then... we will miss you and wish you luck on your journey back" Lily said with a saddening voice most likely starting to become a bit attached to the apprentice. Lily swirved around the toms and touched noses with the she cat "We'll be here tomorrow to send you off" she said kindly before padding back to her mates side. Berry nodded in agreement "The kits will be upset that your leaving but they'll be happy to send you off". Max had stayed silent through it all but got to his paws and padded into the twoleg nest. Both the other two cats looked at Silverpaw tilting their heads "What's wrong with him?" They asked but Silverpaw shrugged apologetically. Before anymore was said Silverpaw was tackled by 2 smaller bodies. She yowled in surprise and laid on her side "Prepare to die Silverstar" she heard a squeaky voice announce giving her a sharp nip to the ear then a sheathed paw slashed her along her flank. She chuckled a bit and faked a gasp then turned her body gently cuffing the first kit that paw'd at her flanks ear causing the kit to fall backwards. Then she got to her paw with the kit on her head nipping at her ear. She chuckled once more reaching one paw upwards until she pushed the kit forward with her paw surprising the kit as he fell forward sliding down her back. She turned around watching Rex scamper up from the ground and Spots was laying down in the ground with a pout "No fair!" Rex said shaking some dirt from his fur. Silverpaw only chuckled "You tried to take down an apprentice when you yourselves are only kits I don't think it would of worked" she said. She heard the other two older cats chuckle as well. Rex pouted like Spots "But we've trained" he said and Spots nodded in agreement. "But Silverpaw is more experience" a new voice entered. Silverpaw saw Crystal waiting at the entrance to the cat door. Both the two toms bounded over to the queen "Mama!" they called brushing pelts with the queen. The two toms let out loud purrs along with the queen. But it was short lived as the queen padded to the door "Come with me little ones we must talk... you as well Silverpaw". The two toms followed with Silverpaw a few pawsteps behind her then she turned to the two senior cats "I'll see you both later or tomorrow" she said slipping into the twoleg nest. She saw the queen lead the kits to the giant soft boulder where Mary usually would sit with Max or Crystals but she had left that sunrise. The queen had leaped on to the soft boulders as the kits did as well along with Silverpaw. Max was waiting their to his claws digging in to the soft boulder. Silverpaw sighed laying down on the boulder trying her best not to claw at the boulder as well. "What's wrong, Mama?" Spots asked picking up on his mothers nervousness. Crystal stared at her paws her eyes having a blank expression. Silverpaw couldn't imagine the pain she felt at loosing another litter.. or any kit for that matter. Crystal finally let out a sigh before looking at Spots then Rex "You both know we love you both right?" She breathed glancing back at Max for a sec. Rex tilted his head in confusion "Of course we do!" He said brushing against his mother. "Then you also know we'd do anything to protect you both?" Max's voice chimed in but both the tom kits nodded. The tom's eyes also held an unreadable expression as he looked up and strode up to his mate and kits. They all brushed pelts then stayed silent as the air grew more tense for a second before the mother said slightly "You... will be leaving this place". Spots looked at her puzzled "Where are we all going?". Crystal shook her head " 'We' aren't going anywhere.... but you and Rex are going to the forest". Silverpaw could see the excitement pulsing off the kits pelts as they looked at their parents in astonishments. "Are we really going to become clan cats?!" The kits asked in unison. Crystal smiled weakly before nodding. Silverpaw thought the kits would burst out of their fur but it didn't last long as Spot tilted his head in confusion "Wait you and Papa aren't coming with us?" He asked making Rex tilt his head as well. Crystal held her weak smile before shaking her head "No i'm afraid not my little ones". Rex was the one that faced his mother with depressed eyes "Why not?". His mother leaned forward licking the top of her kits head as Max answered for her "Its because... well first your mother was born a kittypet and raised one so it wouldn't really be right for her to go. Also I am blind so it wouldn't be right for me. And we don't wish to be split up" he said sorrowful. Rex seemed to flare up at this "Well we aren't both leaving you like this!" He yowled. Spots nodded in agreement but Crystal shook her head "You have no choice... we are sorry little ones but this is what we have agreed on". Max nodded his head as well then added "But don't be upset you'll have lots of fun playing with other kits, you'll be trained to become warriors like you want, and you'll be safe there". The kits looked at each other, their eyes locking before looking down at their paws. Max licked both his kits behind the ears before saying "Don't worry we will see you both again whether its here or in Starclan". It made Silverpaw a bit sad to hear the tom say it since he and his kits believed in Starclan but Crystal did not so she could not go their along with her full kittypet blood. She heard Crystal snort a bit before she saw them all crowd together pelts brushing. Silverpaw saw them licking their kits ears saying comforting things to them about leaving. Silverpaw couldn't help but feel bad for the two kits. They would be leaving their home to be warriors but... once they get their they'd be alone.

Friends Or Foes Warriors: Captivityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें