Chapter 17

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Silverpaw heard a voice say behind her "I thought I saw you,". She turned around seeing Spottedstar behind her with Poppytail and Oakface flanking her. She flinched a bit at the cold stare she got from her leader but quickly recovered with the friendly look she got from both the cats flanking her "Where have you been?" The brown tom asked touching noses with the cat. "I would like to know that too," Her leader said. The she cats throat felt dry as if she had eaten nothing but crow food. Luckily before she could answer the medicine cat quickly shooed the other to the side for a moment. "You can talk about all that at dawn but for now I would like her to come with me" She said not phased by her sisters cold yet questionable glare. Silverpaw looked at the Medicine cat questionable "What's wrong?" The cat asked. Poppytail grew silent for a moment before her eyes traveled to the cats back leg "I would like to see your leg" she said carefully. All the cats eyes traveled to the she cats leg, they let out a small gasp seeing as know one had noticed because of the fire. She quickly reassured the group "This is just a gash I had gotten it is nothing serious" she told the older cats. But she wasn't convinced as she started to feel a cat nudge her forward a bit. She could see Foxpaw behind her nudging her forward to the cat. "Even so, I think we should still check it" She said and bounded off to the part of the nest where they stored herbs and where Ravenkit was sleeping. She let out a defeated sigh following after the older cat with her brother a few pawsteps behind.
Silverpaw stifled a grateful sigh as she was permitted to leave. The medicine cat along with Foxpaw agreed that it was no worry now and that the fur was growing back there and would be back before she was even a warrior hopefully. She could now clearly hear the sound of the rain hitting nest. She looked around the nest seeing groups of cats doing different things. She saw Frostleap sharing tongues with Mosswhiskers. Rustlefoot and Greyflower helping to spread moss to make a nest at their temporary 'nursery' with the help of Fang. Goldenfur along with Cinderhawk was huddled together with Spiritpaw between them comfortingly. She also saw Robinpaw staying close to her brother Sparrowpaw while the two seem to be lying down on the cold nest floor. She also saw Harepaw staying near the nest entrance looking out into the rainy forest. She finally saw Spottedstar talking with her mentor Shadowstrike, her mate Owltalon, and the senior warrior Mousestrike. She slowly padded up to the group of warrior hearing as her mentor said "We don't have enough moss for everyone," She seemed to be telling the senior warrior. Silverpaw could see the she cats brown fur that had began to grow grey even in the low dimmed moonlight. She seemed as though she should have already joined the elders den. "Maybe if you didn't allow every helpless kit into the clan we wouldn't have to worry about that!" The cat snapped at her leader. Before the conversation continued to turn bitter she stepped in and said "I can go fetch more moss" She offered. She had learned to like water unlike her clanmates, she had learned to swim and didn't think it was bad but still preferred the forest much more. All the cats turned to look at her, Mousestrike gave her a shocked expression. Owltalon tore away from his mate for a second to bound toward the cat letting her reach up to touch noses with her eldest brother. He gave her a small lick behind the ear before returning to his mates side. Her leader looked at her strangely as the deputy said " Although we don't need anymore cats to be hurt or ill. We still need more moss for the warriors," strangely. She watched her mentor turn to look at her then back at her leader "Although I agree that we need more moss. I don't think we can simply let an apprentice go out alone" she heard her leader say. "I'll go along with her" She heard a voice say behind she looked to see Sparrowpaw and Oakface. The other apprentice padded beside her giving off a sweet scent of the forest. The leader still seemed unconvinced about allowing the two apprentices go until Oakface put in "I can come along as well". The leader sighed as she waved off with her tail "Alright just please hurry and be careful" she said in defeat. Oakface nodded as he lead the way out of the nest hurry through the rain. Sparrowpaw kept pace behind her a strange look on his face as he followed the two. They stopped at a few various trees to carefully claw off some moss before moving to another not waiting to try to get more. They had already reached the lake before deciding they had enough. She looked over at her clanmates her mouth full of moss. She saw Oakface looking back at them nodding before pointing with his tail from the way they got there. She looked over at the apprentice seeing him stare at his paws with his eyes looking at the ground. She looked back at the warrior seeing him began to pad forward about to get a bit more moss from a tree nearby. She padded up to the tom touching his shoulder lightly with her tail tip snapping him out of his trance. He looked up at the she cat amber meeting green. They stayed like that for a few moments before she took her tail off his shoulder and pointed with a paw to the older warrior. He nodded hesitantly and padded beside her up to the older warrior.

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