Chapter 2

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Silverpaw eyes blinked open as the sun peaked through the taolegs screen. 'How long have I been asleep this time' She thought struggling to her paws but winced in pain as she felt the pain shoot up through her whole body. The pain was almost completely unbearable but it didn't hurt as much as yesterday. She sighed as if on cue Max padded in to the room with Crystal by his side "I see your up" he said his ears twitched. Silverpaw nodded at the 2 "Yea but it was kinda difficult" she said and ran a paw on the cast. "You'll get use to it soon and then it'll be taken off" Crystal said with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "I suppose but how long do you think it will take?" Silverpaw asked a bit anxious to the cat. "Who knows possibly a couple of moons" Max said giving his shoulder a lick. Silverpaw stared at the 2 in astonishment "A couple of moons? I can't stay their long!" She protested her tail slashing in furious. Crystal hopped onto the soft boulder and sat beside her "We know you really want to get back to your family" she started but paused for a moment "But you can't travel when your leg is broken" she said then hopped back downand padded away. "Yea its mainly because of her leg" He muttered under his breath. Silverpaw looked at him and cocked her head to the side in confusion "What?". Max sighed and turned so his blind amber eyes were staring into Silverpaws green ones "I was suppose to come back to Darkclan a couple of sunrises after I left with the kits..." he then paused. "But things didn't go as I had thought" He said obliviously referring to Silverpaw. She could feel her ears burn with embarrassment "Now its different" he said laying down on his belly. "How different?" She asked her tail curling over paws. "Crystal... really wants to keep the kits longer so it'll be harder when they have to leave..." He said sadness dripping from his voice. The words hung in the air for a second "So now I must request that you Silverpaw take them to your camp on your own" he finally said. Silverpaw didn't ask why he couldn't already knowing the answer was to stay with his mate through her pain. Silverpaw nodded "Alright" she said getting back to her paws and hopped off the silver boulder ignoring the pain that shot through her body. She limped toward the tom and put her tail on his shoulder "When the time comes for the kits to leave I promise you they will be alright." She said in a soothing tone. Max nodded and pushed his shoulder against hers supporting it "If you really wanna help your leg get stronger faster then you'll have to start walking on it a little regularly" He adviced. Silverpaw nodded "Thanks I can do that" She said starting to feel the pain of her leg and winced. Max seemed to notice this "How about we go outside and sun ourselves a bit" he said. Silverpaw nodded with no hesitation. She could use some fresh air the smell of twolegs was starting to become unbearable.

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