Chapter 21

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Silverpaw raced past her littermate quickly earning a few yowls of confusion. She didn't pause for even a moment. She could hear her sisters paws pounding hard behind her. She was sure she had scared a few prey in how hard her paws hit the ground. She didn't stop until she made it to the lake where the thrashing gradually got the loudest. She scanned the large lake until her eyes found a log that drifting in the middle of the lake with wet small paws hooked on the top of the log. Her sister finally caught up to her gradually letting out shaky breathes before looking at her like she was a fox or badger. Before she could even meow a word at her she paused upon hearing a cats yowl of fear. Her green eyes fell on the log as her sister scanned for anything to help the defenseless kit, but of course with no prevail. "I'll go find Shadowstrike and Poppytail!" She claimed about to race to find the deputy and medicine cat. Her tail twitched a bit in thought "They wouldn't make it in time. He could fall in!" She hissed a bit before finally doing the only thing that she could think of. She hesitantly put a paw in the water, before putting her other paw in the water, shivering a bit from the cold feeling. Once, the water was close enough to where her belly fur was brushing against the water she heard Spiritpaw hiss at her in horror "Silverpaw!". She ignored her sister persistence before kicking off once deep enough in the water where her paws no longer brushed the water surface. She could still hear her sisters hiss her name, but was joined in with another voice calling her back. She continued padding to the log trying her best to pick up the pace a bit. She could gradually hear the kit better , but it wasn't a kit it was more like a apprentice but he was pretty small even for a apprentice. She felt a wave relief as he paws hooked on the log. She watched the young cat flinch a bit at the surprise of Silverpaw appearing suddenly behind him. She looked at him reassuringly that seemed to make his now risen fur lay flat a bit but not fully. She started to nudge him a bit seeing him space out a bit "Can you swim?" She asked a bit fast. He shook his head a bit answering shakily "Y-yes but I'm not that good at it," He stayed a bit shakily. She touched her nose to the tom's ear in a show of comfort. Before carefully grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, earning a small whimper of surprise. She hastily scanned the territory for a place to swim to quickly. Considering she didn't know if she had the energy to swim back to her territory. The longer she held the younger tom the more she noticed his fur smelled strongly of fish. She could easily try to leave the tom on his own territory and sneak back to hers using the abandoned twoleg path that connected the two territories, but their was fear of running into a incoming patrol that made her fur stand on edge, but she had no other option at the moment, the log was getting slippier as it floated. She sighed a bit in defeat before released her grip on the log and padded hurriedly to the Rainclan territory. She let out a small breath of relief when her paws brushed the sandy shore of the territory. She placed the cat down carefully once she reached the grassy part of the shore. The cat shook his pelt of water, resulting in getting most of Silverpaws own pelt. She gave her own pelt a shake to a bit, but wasn't able to clean it thinking of how she needed to hurriedly leave the territory. But she couldn't help but feel a small pang of curiosity of the territory, but thought against it. She shouldn't get more on Spottedstars bad side then she already has. She trudged tiredly forward toward the forest a bit before hearing a voice say "Where you going?" The young tom asked. The tom sounded as if he was a new apprentice just out of the nursery. Silverpaw only said shortly "Home," looking over her shoulder at him. The tom tilted his head a bit opening his jaws a bit to say something, but frowned as if realising a mistake. He shook his head a bit before stating "I can lead you back to your territory," the young cat offered. Before she could retort something to the tom he added "Without getting caught by a passing patrol." Silverpaw pondered on the information a moment, she didn't know the territory  so she could get loss and end up accidentally walking straight into the clans camp which wasn't the best considering her clan was in no position to fight right now. She nodded carefully at the tom before as if the whole ordeal hadn't fazed him padded in front of Silverpaw leading the way.

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