Chapter 1

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Silverpaw let out continues groans of pains as she started to fall out of her comatose state. She expected to feel the rocky feeling of the thunderpath but instead felt something soft. What she felt was much softer than any moss she ever laid on or any feather nest they could make in the camp. Her eyes staid closed as she heard a strange sound of something she never heard before. She sniffed the air and it smelled strongly of twolegs and of cats. She tried to move her hind leg and let out a loud groan of pain. She couldn't barely even move her leg without wincing in pain. She heard loud steps approach her but it sounded to different to be a cat. She then felt something strangely warm touch her chin and scratched it carefully. The smell of a twoleg now stronger than ever. Silverpaw couldn't help but let out a loud purr. The twoleg stopped scratching her chin and padded off by the sound of it and turned off the strange voice she heard. After a while Silverpaw heard a sound of pawsteps this time were cats approach her but stopped a few tail lengths away from her. "Mama how long is the cat gonna sleep?" She heard a voice say outloud. "Yea she's been sleeping forever" a second voice joined in. She heard a cat hiss at them "Shush!". Then finally a fourth voice that said "She'll wake up soon i'm sure of it". Her ears twitched, she knew that voice! It was Max the half clan kittypet she had met in the forest. She opened her eyes eyes expecting to be flashed with a bright light but was instead staring at a strange type of cream colored screen. Her eyes darted to a different thing that was a strange mouse that stood there it eyes glassy. Then she looked over her shoulder toward where she had heard the voice a few moments ago. She saw Max perched on a twoleg object made of wood with his cream and white pelt, his blind amber eyes on a pretty silver tortoiseshell she cat with white paws and muzzle. Standing next to her were 2 kits 1 was a black tom kit with white paws, chest fur, and patch over one of his icy blue eye was batting at Max's long tail. While the other was a black and cream tom with a white chest fur and silver eyes. The silver eyed kit stared into Silverpaws green ones before looking back at his mother and Max "Mama, Papa the cat's staring at me" he said. Max was the first snap his head toward Silverpaws direction "Are you awake now, Silverpaw?" He asked aloud. Silverpaw tried to get to her paws only to feel pain spread through her body from her leg. She looked down at her hind leg seeing it wrapped in a strange binding that seemed harder than stone. "I'll take that as a yes" he said jumping on to the ground of the twolegs den. Once Max had made it to the ground he padded up to the silver cat and pushed his nose in to her shoulder "I'm sorry" he said apologetically. Silverpaw huffed doing her best to sit up right but let out a grunt as she tried "Why are you apologizing? I'm the one that came here of my free will and I was the one that froze" she said irritation in her tone . Max said nothing more and helped her shouldering her so she was standing up straight then beckoned for the other cats to come over.The white pawed she cat grabbed the black tom by the scruff then put the cream and black one on her back as she cautiously jumped down and patted to them. She placed the one she carried down in front of Max and the other scrambled off his mothers back to stand beside his brother. They both were staring at her with astonishment both seeming to be ready to bomb her with questions. Max cleared his throat and pointed at the black kit with white paws, chest fur, and patch over his eye "This is my son Rex and my other son Spots" he said then pointed at the cream and black tom with a white chest "And finally my mate Crystal" he said and then pointed at the silver tortoiseshell. They both bounded up to the silver boulder she noticed she sat on "Where are you from?" The black kit asked her then the cream one asked "Who are you?". Max flicked the kits ears "She's one of the cats that lives in the forest." He said. Silverpaw took this time to introduce herself "Hi my names Silverpaw" she said dipping her head to the kits. "Hi Silver!" The kits said in unison waving their tails at her happily. She felt her tail twitch a second with irritation "It's Silverpaw" she corrected. "What do you do in the forest?" They asked in unison. She felt a small ping of pride as she said "We hunt, guard our borders, and practice our fighting skills". The black tom lashed his tail in excitement "Really? Can you show us some moves?". Silverpaw looked down and at the stone hard binding on her foot. The kits eyes followed hers to the object and they started to bat at it until his mother grabbed him by his scruff. The kit let out a small whine as his mother placed him on the side of her "Sorry about that" Crystal said looking sympathetically at her leg. Silverpaw shook her head at the queen "Its ok" she said starting to touch the binding with her forepaw. "I'm Crystal as you heard" the queen said dipping her head at the clan cat. "Silverpaw" She said then continued poking at the binding with her forepaw. "Is the cast to tight?" The queen asked looking back at the object. "Cast?" Silverpaw stopped poking at the object and looked up at the kittypet "That's what this thing is called?" She asked. The queen nodded "Yea the vet put it their while you were asleep". Silverpaw tilted her head in confusion 'Vet? Sleep? How long was I asleep?'. "Vet? What's that?" She asked tilting her head in confusion. Max was the one who answered for her "The vet is what you guys called cutters". 'Oh the cutters' Silverpaw then asked the other questions that was clouding her mind "How long was I asleep?" She said hoping for only one sunrise but wasn't so lucky. "Well you weren't sleep for a long time but you kept waking up and falling asleep. So you have been here for about half a moon now" Max said still shouldering her pondering. Silverpaws fur prickled with fear 'Goldenfur and Cinderhawk are actually going to rip off my fur this time not counting Shadowstrike killing me!'

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