Chapter 8

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Silverpaw felt herself shiver in fear "W-what?" She asked basically whispering. Max repeated himself as he jumped off the soft boulder "It will be easy to teach you how to swim if you can at least move the leg a little". Silverpaw gave him a defiant hiss "I'm not going anywhere near that stupid water!". Max's blind amber eyes looking at her "Silverpaw it would be easier for you to-" he was cut off by her. "I know I won't go back to the clan faster if I don't do this! But maybe there's another way!" She said. Max started again "Silverpaw please trust me-". "No! I'm not going anywhere near that water!" She snapped at the tom. Max let out a defeated sigh and nodded then padded out of the den. Silverpaw sat down with a huff and curled into a ball. 'Its not my fault I don't like water' She thought grimly curling her tail over her nose. 'Any sane cat would hate water.... except a Rainclan cat' she thought before shutting her eyes.

Her eyes shot open and she started to smell the familiar scent of Darkclan and Fireclan territory. She felt a wave of happiness wash over her when realizing she was in Darkclan territory. 'Was all that really a dream?' She thought when getting to her paws. She noticed she was at the Fireclan border which was the reason for the mixture she smelled. She looked over to the Fireclan border seeing nothing but the swaying of the pine trees. She sighed and turned around following down the grassy slope that lead to her camp. She stopped halfway feeling eyes burning in to her pelt. Her neck fur started to rise as she unsheathed her claws. "I know your there!" She hissed loudly whirling around when hearing a stick crack behind her. A tom with black fur and a white stripe from his head to his tail tip stood there with a scar along his flank calmly. "Who are you? And why are you in Darkclan territory?!" She growled at the tom. The tom's blue eyes reflected with amusement "Calm down little one" he said to her. The tom seemed to be strangely young to be calling her 'little one'. The cat continued to watch her for a moment before speaking again "I am a friend not an enemy" he said in a strange voice. The cat seemed to be waiting for something as he continued to eye her his eyes slowly looking toward her claws. She hesitantly sheathed her claws and let her neck fur lay flat "Who are you?" She tried again. He started to pad by her passing her closely so their pelts brushed "As said I am a friend not an enemy. My name is Badgerfur a former Darkclan warrior but I hunt with Starclan now" he said continuing on. She followed after him watching him move knowingly through the trees and toward the camp "A Starclan warrior?" She asked curiously. He nodded as he continued toward the camp "I came here to show you something" he said. "Show me something? Show me what?" She asked as they stop at the entrance into the camp. "This" he said padding into the camp with Silverpaw at his heels. Silverpaws eyes blinked as they started to adjust back to the camps familiar bright light. She looked around the camp seeing cats faces of some unfamiliar faces and some familiar. She saw the cat point over to the nursery where two kits were wrestling outside the nursery. He lead her over to them and stopped a few pawsteps behind them "Hi their!" Silverpaw said to the kits friendly. "They can not hear you Silverpaw" the tom said. She looked at him puzzled "This is not from your time" he explained to her. "My time?" She asked him tilting her head. "Yes this is from my memories" he said pointing at the small black kit with a white stripe that was pinning the other on the ground "Prepare to die filthy Fireclan warrior!" The kit said cuffing the bottom kit behind the ears. "You'll never take me down Rainclan warrior! I am the mighty Hazelstar!" The kit said nipping at the other cats ear. "Yea right! I am the mighty Badgerstar and i'm gonna rip your pelt off!" The kit said pushing both the she kits shoulders down pinning her. Badgerfur flicked Silverpaws shoulder and padded toward the entrance gesturing her to follow. He went through the entrance and Silverpaw followed at his heels. When they passed through the entrance they were no longer in the hollow or near the entrance but at the training hollow. She looked around and noticed that it was empty besides her, Badgerfur, and a few cats near the other side of it. She recognized a much younger Badgerfur with a pretty dark grey she cat with amber eyes and his friend Hazelpaw a brown she cat with one white paw and chest fur along with a Golden pelted tom with broad shoulders and a black swirl around his tail. She stared at the tom with amazement " That's Lionheart!" She said looking at the tom. Badgerfur nodded "Yea he was Hazelpaws mentor". She watched the 2 senior warriors pad to the side of the clearing away from the two apprentices who were facing each other "Alright lets begin" lionheart said sitting down. The two apprentices watched each other carefully before Hazelpaw let out a warriors yowl and hurled herself at Badgerfur who dodged to the side and whirled around cuffing Hazelpaw in the face with sheathed claws. The she cat let out a small yowl then cuffed the tom behind the ears. Badgerfur tackled the she cat to the ground which the she cat responded with a sheathed paw across his belly imitating a belly rake. Then she hit him with a clean front paw blow to the face making back up his neck fur rising. The she cat leaped for him this time but Badgerfur laid low then once she was above him missing him by a few fur lengths he twisted his body so his side and paw was up and slashed at her open belly with sheathed claws. Hazelpaw lost her balance from the move and crashed on to the ground. "Enough!" The grey she cat yowled as Hazelpaw got to her paws. Lionheart and her strode over to the apprentices "Nice job! The both of you" he said looking from Badgerfur to the young she cat. The grey cat nodded in agreement "Yes you both did well". Both the apprentices seemed to glow with pride "That's enough practice for today. We will continue tomorrow" Lionheart said striding out of the training hollow with the grey cat a few paw steps behind. Badgerfur seemed to follow after their mentors but was stopped by Hazelpaw " I don't wanna go back to the camp. Let's go hunting hunting instead!" The she cat suggested. Badgerfur looked to the entrance then at her "Hm alright". The she cat seemed to have a triumphant look on her face as she strode past Badgerfur and flicked the toms ear before going through the thorn entrance. Badgerfur followed after her hesitantly. Silverpaw looked toward the older Badgerfur who followed them through the tunnel and Silverpaw followed also. When Silverpaw went through the tunnel she was in the forest near the Iceclan border. "No! Hazelpaw get down!" She heard a voice yowl. She ran to the voice seeing Badgerfur yowling up at Hazelpaw who was stalking a squirrel on the branch. But from Badgerfurs yowls the squirrel she had twitched and jumped on to another tree. Hazelpaw hissed in annoyance "See what you d-" She said and was cut off from the branches shaking. Silverpaws eyes grew wide as the she cat started to loose her balance on the branch. The young Badgefure quickly made it to the tree about to begin climbing to help his friend but made it their to late. Hazelpaw seemed to have finally lost her grip on the branch and fell straight down on to the ground. "Hazelpaw!" She heard the apprentice screech as Silverpaws surroundings soon turned black. She whirled around trying to look for Badgerfur but heard his voice "Because of me she broke her leg and could never be the true warrior she wanted to be....." he paused then continued. "You still have a chance to not end up like that... with not being able to fight with all paws. Silverpaw... do not give up.... do not assume that even adapting to a kittypet life will stop this. You know it is not where your heart is." Everything went silent then she heard one last thing "Do not give up nor let fear control you." And like that everything is silent.

Friends Or Foes Warriors: CaptivityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя