Chapter 12

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The next sunrise came it was grief stricken. Silverpaw crawled from her soft boulder not the least bit surprised that Spots and Rex were not in their usual spot. She touched the soft boulder for a second with her paw gently before whirling around and stalking out the twoleg nest. She breathed in the morning air taking in the newleaf air. She looked up at the pinkish colored sky. She let out a small sigh before then looked at her paws 'What am I gonna have to tell Shadowstrike and Spottedstar?' She thought then unsheathed her claws digging them into the dirt. 'Shadowstrike is definitely going to have my tail... if Cinderhawk doesn't get it first'. She then started to groom herself stopping upon hearing the cat door. She spotted Max coming through the cat door along with Crystal while Spots and Rex were at their heels. Silverpaw could see the the sadness in both the queen and Max's eyes as they stopped a tail length away from her. But Rex and Spots on the other hand seem to be ready to bust out of their pelts with excitement it made Silverpaw think about something she never asked. "Hey....Crystal? Max?" She asked turning around to face them. "Yes?" Max asked in calm yet sad tone. She looked from Rex to Spots "How old are they now?" She asked. Crystal gave a weak smile as she leaned down giving her kits a few licks "They're 3 moons now" she said a bit proudly. 'So they're about a moon older than Ravenkit and her littermates but as old as Rabbitkit... maybe Fang would be happy to care for them until their apprentices' . "I see" she said stretching letting out a small yawn. "Well you'd-" Crystal started but was stopped by Lily "Don't tell me you were going to send them off without letting us say goodbye" the queen called from the top of the fence that separated their nests. Berry was beside her with Pickles dangling from his jaws with Jena on his back. The tom hopped down dropping Pickles carefully then Jena. Jena and Pickles both got to their paws scampering over to them "No fair!" Jena wailed as she stopped in front of Spot and Rex. Pickles nodded in agreement "How come they get to go?!" Pickles added but was hushed by Lily who jumped down as well "Because they have to" the queen said. The 2 kits looked at their mothers with a sadden look "But why can't we-" jena started but the kits mother put her tail to the kits mouth shushing her. All the cats grew silent as Jena and Pickles brushed pelts then touched noses with the toms "Well I guess this is goodbye" Jena said in a sad voice. Spots nodded along with Rex "Its not goodbye just a see ya later.... we'll come visit you again" Rex said kindly to the two littermates. "Yeah he's right!" Pickles broke in his tail swishing around happily "We'll come visit you one day in the forest". Jena nodded then Rex broke in a grin "Yeah then we'll show you all the moves we learn from being a warrior". Silverpaw couldn't help but feel bad for the 2 kits they didn't know that it was unlikely that they'd ever see the kits again. Max seemed to see the doubt in her eyes and cut the kits conversation short "Come now we must hurry if you all want to be out of the territory before nightfall" he announced. Silverpaw looked at the older tom tilting her head "What do you mean? It barely took anytime to get here from the twoleg path right?" She asked. "Yes but I'll be showing you a much safer yet longer route to take" he explained. "But I thought you wanted me to take them there" She said a bit more confused. "I do but from a path across the thunderpath to the clans... but i'll lead you there beyond that" he said uncurling his tail from his paws. Lily touched noses with the small toms "You all be careful on your journey" she said then touched noses with the young apprentice. Berry did the same touching noses with all the cats wishing them a safe journey. Then Jena and Pickles bound up to Silverpaw "Silverstar!". She looked down at the kits as they looked up at her "Before you go you have to give us our warriors names!" The kits fretted while Silverpaw only chuckled and stood up smiling down at the kits. "Alright alright.. hmm lets start with you Pickles-.... Well Stormpaw... you have trained in the ways of the warrior... do you promise to protect your territory with your life?" She asked replacing the clan part in the warrior ceremony for the kits sake. "I do!" The small tom squealed happily. "Well then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name. Stormpaw from this moment on you will be known as Stormwhisker we acknowledge your ambition and curiosity." She said then bent down and licked the kits forehead. Then looked to Jena "Do you also promise?" She asked. Jena nodded "Of course!". "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name. Heatherpaw from this day forth you will be called Heatherfoot we acknowledge your loyalty and high spirit" she said before licking the top of the kits head. The two bounced up and down leaving Silverpaw to chuckle before she felt a paw prod her leg. She looked down again but saw Spots and Rex in Jena and pickles place. She tilted her head a bit at the toms "Our turn now!" Rex pronounced. "But Spottedstar will-" She started but was cut off by Spots "We know but you gave us our names so we wanna know what you'd pick for our warrior names". She stared at the two then glanced at Crystal for a second then the apprentices then smiled a bit " "Alright then... let's start... Do you both promise to protect your clan even of the cost of your life as well?" They both nodded "Yes!". "Then by the power of starclan I give you your warrior names. Cougarpaw from this moment on you will be known as Cougarspot we acknowledge your Bravery and honesty. And the great bond you and your brother share." She said then bent down licking the kits head. Then turned to Spots "And from this day fourth you'll be known as Boulderheart we acknowledge your courage and strength. Also that Max and Crystal shall always live in your hearts". Max and Crystal looked at the apprentice in shock and surprise at first then looked at their kits. Max started to chant the 'Warriors' names "Stormwhisker! Heatherfoot! Cougarspot! Boulderheart!" Then was joined in by the other cats. The moment passed as Crystal stepped forward gathering her kits with her tail. She nuzzles her kits letting out a loud purr along with the 2 toms "Take care of yourselves..." She said among purrs. "We will" they promised as their mother licked their cheeks and behind their ears. She then uncurled her tail as Max passed by brushing pelts with the queen then stopped in front of the nest entrance "Come now we must go". The 2 kits shot a look at their mother but she gave them a weak smile and nudged them forward toward Max. They padded to their father looking toward the outside of the nest. The queen padded up to the apprentice "Take care of yourself as well... and remember what you promised" she said the last part in a whisper. Silverpaw touched noses with her "I'll always remember the promise... Farewell may Starclan light your path Crystal... May Starclan light all your paths" she said out loud padding toward the entrance. Max padded along the fence out of view from the other cats. Spots and Rex looked at the group of cats with a saddened look then padded after their father. Silverpaw looked among the cats feeling sadden at leaving but waved her tail at the cats padding after the other cats ' I finally get to go home...'.

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