Chapter 10

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Silverpaw looked at the pond in amazement. The pond was a huge pond that was surrounded by heather and other flowers along with some oak trees providing shade. When she tasted the air she could smell the forest. Oreo padded down the stone steps that led to the pond with Max behind him and Silverpaw bringing up the rear limping behind them. "let's waste no time" Oreo barked leaping into the water "The faster we get this done the quicker I get my bed back". "Bed?" Silverpaw asked tilting her head in confusion. "That Soft boulder your always sleeping on is where he use to sleep" Max explained stopping his walking so Silverpaw caught up. Silverpaw face scrunched up in disgust "So I have to smell like a kittypet and sleep in a dogs bed". She saw the toms eyes look at hers in amusement "Well if you wouldn't have followed me then you wouldn't have to". Silverpaw eyed the tom and pouted a bit "Fine next time I won't worry about you" she said turning her nose up at him. All he did was let out a mmrow of laughter and nudged her toward where Oreo waited in the water splashing around a bit. She looked at the water with wide scared eyes remembering her encounter at the river with Bearpaw and Rabbitkit. She shut her eyes and breathed calmly slowly inching into the water. She could feel the water starting to rise from her paws to her belly fur where she stopped. "Open your eyes Silver" she heard Oreo bark calmly. She opened her eyes seeing Oreo a few pawsteps in front of her. She tried her best not to let herself become frozen with fear from all the water that surrounded her 'I don't get how Rainclan cats do this all the time' she thought grimly. "You must kick your paws back and fourth" Oreos voice broke through her thoughts. She eyed her 'mentor' nodding in understanding. "Once you try it for the first time you'll get use to it a lot easier after that" He said then to demonstrate went deeper in to the water until his paws no longer touched the dirt. She watched Oreos paws move forward in a swift motion then curled backwards then moved forward again repeating that motion. She watched him pad all the way to the other side of the pond with ease. Oreo shook his pelt making him fluff up until he looked twice his size. Silverpaw shut her eyes continuing to breathe calmly until she heard splashing and felt a small nudge forward. She looked over her shoulder in alarm and saw Oreo there "Its alright i'll be right beside you" he said in a calm voice. She couldn't help but think 'What cat would be fine with a dog teaching them how to swim?'. She sighed then moved an pawstep forward feeling her fur more engulfed in the water but heard pawsteps behind her matching her own which calmed her a bit. She took a deep breath and took a few pawsteps forward until she no longer felt the dirt under her paws and went under. Her head bobbed upward as she gasped and water filled her mouth. Her memory of what happened with Rabbitkit and Bearpaw came to her and she kicked upwards with her back legs. She heard Max yowl from the bank "Silverpaw?! What happened?!!?" He said in a frantic voice with a bit of frustration. But before she could even answer she felt a nose nudge her gently "Do it like how I showed you.... just pad like that". She then felt teeth grab the scruff of her neck fur carefully. She tried moving her paws the way Oreo showed her, her leg no longer feeling the pain it did when she walked which amazed her. She practiced the motion a few times her head no longer bobbing do to Oreo holding her carefully above with his teeth. When he finally released her she started to pad forward for a while sometimes going under for a second before resurfacing until she reached the other side she yowled in amazement. She heard Max finally yowl in frustration from the other side of the bank "What happened?!". She yowled at the tom from her side "I learned how to swim!". Then she saw Oreo pad up to Max's side and say "Well she's not perfect at it but.. she at least can stay above water much longer". She hissed at the tom a bit short temperedly but he only chuckled at her. "But with a lot of practice she can be pretty good at it" he said a bit proudly of himself and Silverpaw. She chuckled a bit as well looking up at the sky purring from feeling the sun warm her wet fur 'I'll be back home before I know it... hopefully'.

Silverpaw continued to swim every sunrise at the pond with Oreo and Max watching her to make sure she didn't drown but she snuck out a couple of times to get an extra practice in. Soon her leg wasn't even a problem anymore it felt stronger than ever when her paws weren't sore. She was even able to show the four kits the hunters crouch, and how to catch a mouse even a few battle moves Shadowstrike showef her before she left. She still did miss her hot tempered mentor, her overprotective father, her caring mother, her hyper sister, and too energetic sister. She sighed in contentment yet sorrow for what she had to do. She padded out of the twoleg nest seeing that it was sunhigh as the sun warmed her fur. She saw Max their talking with Lily and berry as she padded to his side. They stopped their conversation when she appeared Max's ears twitched as his blind amber eyes turned to her "Well look what the cat dragged in". She nodded then sighed again looking at her paws debating on how to say what she needed to say. Lily must've picked up on her nervous movement as she asked her in concern "What's the matter, Silver?". She looked into the queens blue eyes then at her mates green eyes then Max's amber "I'm leaving next Sunrise".

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