~Singing Pt.1~

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Iyona's POV
*Next morning*
I woke up to the sound of my mom yapping about my little sister, Chelsea, how she needs a tutor. I ran downstairs to my mom. "You know ma, I could help Chelsea! What's she need help with?" I asked as I messed around with Chelsea's hair. "Well, she needs help with picking a sport..she says she doesn't know what to pick."
"That is not what I said. I said I don't want to sports. They're all boring to me." Chelsea said, making a point.
"Oh..well, I can't help with that. But I know who can help!" I winked at her, she chuckled and left to the car.
Ethan can help my little sister. He seems like the sporty kind of person. I went upstairs to get changed. I wore a gray shirt, jeggings, and my black converse. Did my hair up into a high ponytail. Forgot that Laila was still here, haha. I woke her up and threw some clothes at her. "Ehhh....I don't wanna go.."
She mumbled. "Too bad, lol"
I tossed her off the bed, making her squirm to the clothes. "Fine. You win" She groaned. I just laughed at her lazy ass.

Ethan's POV
For once, I was pretty afraid what would happen next. I smashed with a girl I barely knew since school! And I basically have EVERY class with her! This was not gonna end well for me. I sighed and got dressed, wearing a grey shirt ,some joggers, and my black vans. I heard Grayson talking on the phone with someone, so I went in his room. "Haha I'll tell him....bye!"
"Uh...hey Gray, who was that?"
I asked of course a little worried. "Oh it was Iyona. She told me that she loves you and she wants you in her." My face was really red. "WHAT!?! IS THAT WHAT SHE REALLY SAID?!?" I grabbed Grayson's phone, or at least tried to. Grayson was laughing really hard and lightly pushed me to his bed. "Dude I'm joking! I don't even have her number. You're so gullible! " Grayson chuckled, my face was still red.
"Come on, jackass. We gotta get to school." I said as I left his room. We got to school, I saw Iyona getting out of a blue car, probably a Dodge. She was sort of matching with me, which is really cute.

Iyona's POV
I glanced over, seeing Ethan wearing almost the same clothes as me. I gasped and tapped Laila on the shoulder to show her Ethan. "Awe you guys are matching!" Laila said, patting my back. "That's cute, he's probably thinking the same thing...oh shit."
"What's he gonna say about last night?!? Holy shiz!" I ran into the school, realizing I can't escape Ethan. He's in every class with me..what the fuck do I do? Nothing. Ethan came up behind me and said, "Are you okay? All I heard was holy shiz and you started running."
I laughed. "Don't worry about it. I'm alright, Ethan. So, how your sleep?" I gave him a smirk as he walked by my side.
"Heh, I was alright. I bet yours was better. I couldn't stop thinking about you." He smirked back, we both laughed.
I can't believe it, I , Iyona, just made a dude think about her!! I giggled as Ethan and I walked to class.
While we walked by the choir room, like everyday, Ethan suddenly stopped. "Heh, I remember when I was in choir.."
He said, chuckling. "You were in choir?" I gasped and giggled a little. "Yea, but only for one semester..last year, its actually kinda fun.." He sighed and kept on walking. "Why did you...never mind" I mumbled and caught up with Ethan.

Ethan's POV
The only reason I joined Choir was because I wanted to learn how to sing to girls..like Iyona.
Its kind of impressing to some girls that guys can sing. We were going to English so I didn't really talked to Iyona in their as much as the first day.
*skip sum time*
Iyona and I were on our way to gym as usual, but Laila came with Grayson to me. "Hey Iyona, hey Ethan!" Said Laila.
"Oh, hey guys..what's up?"
"Ethan, we gotta talk..like now!" Gray dragged me to the restrooms.
"Woah dude, what happened?" I asked.
"Bro..um...I don't know how to say this but..me and Laila, Iyona's friend, are dating."
Before I could say something, I heard Iyona screaming in..excitement?

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