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Ethan's POV.
I'm scared as hell now, Iyona is now in the hospital and I'm driving to her. I don't want the baby to be hurt in the process of whatever they're doing to her. I want to have this baby to be in our lives.

I'm now in front of the ER, running out the car to the front desk.

"What room is Iyona Opal in? " I ask, out of breath. The lady points towards the far right. I start to sprint down the hallway into Room 1127.

I opened the door quietly to see Iyona on the bed, laying down peacefully. I sigh in relief and sit down next to her.

"Iyona.. I just wanna say that-"

"Ethan? Why are you here? " Iyona stuttered. She looked scared and confused.

"Because I wanted to make sure you and the baby were okay! Why else? "

"Wait, what happened to me in the first place?! "

"You started yelling at me, then you just knocked out. " Iyona then sighed and combed her fingers through her light brown hair.

"I honestly don't remember.. Wait, what about the baby?!? " Iyona's voice started to raise.
Two doctors came in with a clipboard and other stuff. They stood over Iyona and asked me to leave. 

Iyona's POV.
Ethan left the room while the doctors started asking me questions.

"Okay Ms.Opal, what was the last thing you remember happening? " One of them asked.

"When Ethan's parents were yelling and he came over to me. Everything else is just a fade to me. " I answered. They started writing down on the clipboard.
"What about my baby? Is it still alive?? "

"We're not sure yet. We'll come back in a few minutes to tell you, after we're done getting some data. Just sit in tight. " They left the room as Ethan came back in.

"What happened? Did they touch you? " Ethan asked all concerned .

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. You're not my dad anyways so quit it. " I confronted.  "I just wanna know if our baby is okay."

I felt warm tears streaming down my face. Ethan wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. I wanna go home without worrying about my kid. I want to stay with Ethan and just cuddle, not giving a care in the world. Thing is, I don't have a home anymore..The sounds of my sobbing escaped my lips as I hugged Ethan tighter. One of the doctors from before came in and a smile started to form on his face.

"The baby is still alive. But you need to stay in the hospital for a few more days, only for a few things to check. " I nodded.

I looked back at Ethan and kissed his cheek. "He needs to leave, Ms. Opal. " The doctor said.

Ethan left the room once again as the doctor started asking me more questions.

Ethan's POV.

As I left, I called Grayson to tell him what has happened.

"Gray? "
"Hey what's up? Why do you sound -"
"Iyona is in the hospital. I'm with her right now. "
"What the hell happened to her?! "
"I think she had an anxiety attack from Mom and Dad yelling at each other. "
"Dude do you want me to come over? "
"It be best that you did. I'm worried about her Gray...really. worried. "
"I know bro. I can tell by the tone of your voice. I'm on my way."
"Okay bye." I hung up.

My eyes started to sting as little tears streamed down my face.

I don't want my kid to be in any harm, neither Iyona. I hope they're both okay...

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