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Ethan's POV.

I just want Iyona to be okay. I want her parents to know now so we don't have to worry about it later. I don't care if her parents kick her out, we'll be fine alone together!

Grayson and I were walking home as I saw that girl Veronica walking down the street. She of course had to walk over to us and smile.

"Oh hey Gray and Ethan! " Veronica said while trying to hug me. I quickly pushed her away from me. 
"What makes you think I want your hugs? " I grunted. 
"Well I just want to talk to the both of you, somewhere else though. " She said with a smirk on her face. Gray and I looked at each other and sighed.

"Okay fine, where? "
"At the diner around the corner. I'm guessing you both don't have a ride. I'll get my father to pick us all up. " She chuckles.
We both nod as Veronica calls her dad.  Once she was off the phone, a limo popped up as she pulled us both in.  Didn't know the bitch was rich.. I thought. 

Iyona's POV. 

I got to the driveway on the front of my house. I got out the car and went inside to lay down. Once I got to my room, I saw Chelsea sitting on my bed... as usual.

"What are you doing in here? " I sighed as I layed beside Chelsea.
"Well, I was a little bored so I came in here to use your laptop. " She said with a tiny grin. I looked to see what she was doing. 
"It's not stalking,  it's experimenting! Now, like I was saying, I was about to check up on him.. just in case. " I rolled my eyes as Chelsea smirked a little.
"Wait a second.. it's tracking Grayson right? "
"Yes...why? "
"PERFECT! Let me see real quick! " I grabbed the computer and checked the camera.
Remember that I said my sister freaking smart as hell.

I seen Ethan sitting beside him but in a fancy car.. and it confused me a little. I don't remember them having a car like that. I shook my head and went to my bathroom.

I stood above the sink and later my elbows to rest on the counters. There's no point of you worrying, Iyona. He's pissed off at you and probably just hanging with his friends. I think to myself. I might as well try calling him.. I go back to my room and pick up my phone to call Ethan.

"Ethan? "
"*background noise* oh hey Iyona. what's wrong? "
I paused for a second. "Umm nothing at all. where are you at?? "
"Don't worry about that. I'll call you back okay?"
"Wait-" He hung up....something is up with him and it's not good. 
I look over at Chelsea as she gives me my computer. I go on that GPS thingy to see what Ethan is up to. I know, I'm such an overprotective girlfriend. But who could blame me??!  I mean, I'm pretty sure girlfriends would do this too!

I click on 'Camera View' and see Ethan beside Grayson. They're both in someone's house laughing really hard.  I see Ethan walk to the kitchen with some other girl, I couldn't tell who she was because she was turned around.

Iyona chill out! It could be his friend's sister or something.. calm down and leave it alone. I thought. But I shook my head and ran outside and got in my dad's car. I quickly drove to the address to where Ethan was.

"If he's cheating on me, he's gonna regret it.. " I grunted.

Ethan's POV.

"Do you want some beer?? " Veronica said in a slurry tone.  The bitch was crazy drunk and I rolled my eyes.  I walked back to Grayson, who was on the hallway with some of his friends.

"Grayson, I need to speak with you for a moment. " I whispered. He looked at me like I was crazy and then chuckled. Shit, he's drunk too..  I shook my head and dragged him to a bathroom and locked it. 

"Grayson why are you drinking?!" I exclaimed. He still looked at me crazy and then smiled.

"WELL you see Ethan... I was drwinking becauzzz.. ermmm I dunno... " Grayson hiccuped a little.

"Gray this isn't okay!  We need to get out of here now, Okay? " I said quietly. He slowly nodded as we got out of the bathroom. We walked around the house to look fot Veronica. I found her on top of some dude making out with him. 

"AHEM Veronica.. Gray and I are gonna leave now so-"

"NOO! You both stway heree!! Etan... come heree swo I can kwiss you bye bye! " She whinned.

I shook my head "no" and started heading for the door. Until I felt her grip on my wrist. She pulled me in closer to her and smashed her lips against mine. Everything went quiet for some odd reason, I then glanced over to see... Iyona with watery eyes. 

She looked straight at me and mouthed "Goodbye Ethan" and ran outside crying....
868 words

mkay peeps I'm up at 12 rn just editing and finished wit this chapter whooop!! 

oh and thanks for patience :)
I'm trying so hard to make the other story I'm making rn but school is a dickwad so... fml.
Can I just add that I have a HUGE sore all on my bottom part of my body (thighs, legs, between legs)  DAMN IT ETHAN why did u have to do this to me??!!? Just kidding Just kidding...

hope you peeps enjoyed this chapter and sorry for grammar issues and what not. As always, see you later!! 
Potato...... OUT!!

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