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•One Week Later•

Literally just five more minutes...then school is fkn over! The teacher is just yapping about being responsible and safe. I turn over to my right to see Ethan smirking at me and points to his watch. I smiled and nodded my head. "Okay, you guys can chat with the people around you about what you're gonna do this summer." The teacher sat down as the rest of the class moved around. Ethan scooted his chair closer to my desk. "Well I know what I'm doing this summer.." He eye balls me up and down and bites his bottom lip. We both snickered as we heard the bell ring. Ethan and I grabbed our stuff and raced out of the classroom all the way to the front of the school.

"Finally, school is over.." Ethan sighed out of breath, raising his hands in the air. "I didn't think you were that fast, yona... phew!" Ethan chuckled as he walked over to a bench and sat down. "Yeah, I don't usually like running because I can't run far." I tried saying still out of breath. I plopped myself on the bench next to Ethan and leaned my head onto his chest. Ethan rubbed his hands on my head, messing around with my hair. Grayson runs towards us and screams, "SCHOOL IS OVER GUYS!!! LET'S GO HOME, COME ON!!" Grayson dragged Ethan off the bench as I lifted up. I caught up with Ethan and Grayson. I guess I'm walking home today.

"Wanna come over my house? I really have nothing to do anyways." Ethan asked. "I guess so, I never have anything to do." I chuckled. Then I thought to myself... has Ethan told Grayson yet? I haven't told Laila... I don't even know if I'm ready to tell her.. I snap out of my thoughts when Ethan started laughing as I was in front of a power line. "Why were you going into that pole?" Ethan snickered. "I was thinking too much, I guess." I looked down to the concrete as we kept on walking. "About what?" I looked up at Ethan and stopped walking. "About us..I haven't told Laila and I'm pretty sure you haven't told Gray." I whispered. Ethan sighed and looked at me. "Do you wanna tell them? Because its okay if you're not ready." I nodded my head and smiled. "I think I am." We both started walking again and caught up with Grayson.

"I'm gonna call Laila to see if she can come over." I said, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I wasn't sure how to feel about telling Laila and Grayson about me and Ethan. I don't know if its a good thing or not. I just need someone to know so I can talk to them about it, and that's why I chose Laila. "Wassup?" "Hey can you come to Ethan's house? I wanna talk to you." "Uhh sure I'll be there in 15 minutes or so." "Great see you then." I hung up and walked upstairs to Ethan's room. He wasn't in the room, he was most likely in the bathroom. I knocked onto the bathroom to see if he was in there. "Ethan?? Are you in here?" I opened the door to see Grayson without a shirt. First of all, what's with the twins never having a shirt on? And might I say Grayson and Ethan got some abs. Although he looked wet. I could feel my face heating up so badly.

"I..uh..erm.." I wasn't sure if I should close the door or not. Grayson chuckled and walked towards me. "What's the matter? Haven't you seen Ethan with his shirt off? This shouldn't be any different." He walked out the bathroom into his room. "Or better yet, you've seen more of Ethan than without a shirt." He snickered as I blushed. "SHUT UP!" I yelled as I pushed Grayson over to his bed. Grayson got back up and looked in his drawer. "I suggest you get out, unless you prefer seeing my little buddy." Grayson said winking at me. Is this how Gray flirts? "Well, you're right about how your buddy is little." I laughed as Grayson's face was flushed with a shade of pink. "GET OUT!!" Grayson yelled as I kept on laughing. "Awe, is little buddy mad?" I snickered as I made my way downstairs. Ethan popped out of nowhere, guessing the garage.

"Why are you laughing so hard?" Ethan chuckled as I couldn't stop laughing. "Its a inside joke. You wouldn't get it. Anyways Laila is on her way."
I said, going towards the refrigerator. I could feel Ethan's hands around my waist as I bent over to get something from the refrigerator. "No food for you, Iyona...later though." Ethan picks me up by the waist and pulls me away from the fridge. "Why?? I'm starving.." I whinned. "You're always hungry, plus I said later." I rolled my eyed as we both sat down on the couch. "You act like you're my daddy." I crossed my arms and made a ''hmph!' sound. Ethan chuckled. "I am your daddy." Ethan lifted my chin up and pulled my face closer to his, until we were just inches away before kissing... BUT SOMEONE JUST HAD TO KNOCK!! I sighed and walked over to the door, opening the door. "Hey Laila." I hugged her as she did back. "So, what's up?" Laila asked, sitting down on the couch. "I'll tell you in a sec. GRAYSON!! GET DOWN HERE!!!" I yelled. Grayson slams his door shut, speed walks down the stairs, and sit next to Laila.

"Iyona? What was it you wanted to tell me?" Laila asked. My heart started pounding like crazy. I looked at Ethan as he looked back at me. "Um...well.." Before I could finish my sentence, Ethan said. "Me and Iyona are dating now." He looked at me, but this time with a sincere smile, the one you don't see Ethan do at all unless...now. I smiled back. "Awe! Yay!" Laila squeals as she hugs me tight. "For how long?" Grayson asked. "Last week." Ethan and I chuckled and locked eye contact. His light brown eyes look so beautiful.. I could get lost in them all day. Then I snapped back into reality when I felt his lips press against mine. I opened my eyes and seen only me and Ethan were in the living room. I leaned back and looked around. "Where did they go?" I kept looking around the living room. "They're in the room." Ethan chuckled, leaning closer towards my face. I couldn't stop staring at every feature of this boy. He was just too perfect. I smashed my lips into his as he kissed back. I crawled closer Ethan as we kept on going. He cupped one hand on my cheek, and the other on my hip, indicating to get closer towards him. I was practically on top of him. I leaned back to catch my breath. "I love you Ethan.. I hope you know that." I whispered and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Iyona." We both smiled as I played my head on his shoulder while in was still on top of him. I felt my eyes getting heavier as the world went black.
words: 1224

Well hello peeps! And you're probably like "Oh my gosh! Iyona actually updated earlier than usual!" And then you gasped. YES I actually wanted to update at 5:03am!
This chapter was ALSO short, but it's cute to me so forget all you haters saying "Why so short?"
Hehe and I'm sorry if I offended anyone by saying Grayson has a "little buddy". I had to bring SOME type of humor guys! And yes, I make too many dirty jokes. -.- Don't judge meh.

See you in the next chapter I guess \(•-•)/
Potato Out!
~most likely Iyona😊

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