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Ethan's POV
Iyona was still on top of me, sleeping. She looked so adorable sleeping. Her hair would frizz up and her mouth was barely open, yet she didn't snore. I slowly got up and placed her on the couch. I heard a door open as Grayson came downstairs. "She's sleep?" Grayson chuckles. I nodded as I went to the bathroom. While I was washing my hands, I can hear Iyona screaming, "WHAT THE HELL?!?" I quickly went downstairs and seen Iyona squirming a whole bunch on the couch. "Are you okay?" I asked trying not laugh while hugging her sides. "How the heck did I get here?" She was so adorable when she freaked out. I could feel her body relax a little when my hands touched her bare skin of her arms. "You must of forgot when you fell asleep...Well we told Gray and Laila that we're dating, then we made out a little." I chuckled as I blushed. Her eyes widened, then she sighed out of relief. "Okay..good. I'm gonna go get some food now." Iyona said, getting up and rubbing her eyes as she went to the kitchen. I'm so lucky to have a girl like Iyona.(awe Ethan lol )

*Next day*
"Come on, Eth! We can work out together!!" Iyona whinned. She really wants me and her to work out at the local gym I go to. "You don't even like working out!" I said, raising my hands up on the air. "Please Ethan?? I really want to at least try!!" Iyona gave me that pouty look and whimpered a little. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine..but your not actually doing something.." "YAY!! I'm gonna go change really quick!" Iyona squealed as she ran out my house. I chuckled as I looked through my drawers and put on some grey shorts and a blue sleeveless top with my grey vans.

We both met up by the gym area as Iyona was wearing a dark grey work out bra and light grey joggers with black vans. I chuckled as I opened the front door for her. We both entered an there wasn't much people here today. "I'm going to go run on the treadmill!" Iyona said as she ran off. I rolled my eyes and went towards the weights. I had the perfect view to see Iyona while I did some sit ups and lifting weights. I saw a few dudes walking up to her and checking her out. I quickly lifted my head up to see it's Alex and
Cameron from the mall. I speed walk my way over to them and clear my throat.

"Sup Ethan? This is my friend.." "Cameron.. I know. " I interrupt. I can see Cameron of the corner of my eye still eye balling Iyona. I wanted to punch him so badly, but I didn't want to make a scene. Iyona got off the treadmill and smiled. "Hey Alex! Hey Cameron! " She waves at both as they do the same. "Iyona I didn't know you'd work out... I mean, its showing off pretty well right now. " Alex chuckes as he looks Iyona up and down, then smirks. I could see Iyona blushing as my blood was boiling and my fist were balling up. Alex flirts too much and I can't take it anymore. I clear my throat a little and signal Alex to back off. "I'm gonna go get me something from the snack bar. " Iyona said as she jogged away. I looked back at Alex and Cameron and sighed.

"Dude, what the hell is your problem? Why do you even care, huh? "Alex said, raising his voice a little. "I care because you're always flirting with her! Have you ever thought that she might not like you, or even be in a relationship?! " I retorted. Alex steps closer to me and starts whisper yelling. "I can fucking flirt with her all I want to! It's not like she's in a relationship! Why? Because I would know if she was..it would be too obvious. " Alex scoffed and walks over to Iyona. "Are you guys dating? " Cameron looked at me with a questionable face. I sighed and shook my head "no". I quickly walked over to the snack bar next to Iyona and Alex. And of course, he's flirting again. I sit right beside Iyona and chuckle.

"You know none of the food here are pizza right? " I say sarcastically. "Well damn.. I'm just hungry and tired. Wanna go back? " Iyona giggles. "Back where? Because surely I would like to come. "Alex interrupts with a smirk on his face. "To my house, and I guess you can come. " I rolled my eyes as I replied to Alex. We all get up and start walking to my car. "Did Iyona ride with you? " Alex asked. "Yeah, do you have a problem with that? " I said, looking at him. He shook his head as we all got in. Iyona turned on the radio and Needed Me by Rihanna. I could see Iyona moving her hips in her seat as she was singing along. I chuckled as I drove off to my place.

Once we got to my house, I seen Gray hanging out with Nate. I get out the car and open the door for Iyona. "Hey Gray. " I waved at Grayson and Nate. "Oh, I didn't know Alex was with you! " Nate pointed out. I looked back at Alex and seen her was smiling. I rolled my eyes and walked towards my room. Iyona stayed in the living room with the boys as I got some clothes together and went to the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. " I told Grayson as I opened the door to the bathroom. I placed my phone on the counter and played Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders. I took off my clothes and hopped into the warm shower. After ten minutes later, I get out the shower and wrap a towel against my torso. I walk towards my room and open the door to see Alex on top of Iyona... kissing her...

Hey peeps!
Anyways, updating at 1:26am.. great job Iyona. Of course I'm too tired and lazy to see any mistakes so if you see any.. Don't point them out. I don't care if your mother told you to, DON'T DO IT
I tried only Ethan's POV.. Not easy at all lol
Okay bye
Potato Out!
-Iyona ツ

 Great Feelings e.dDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora