~Take My Hand~

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I also looked for a spot to put my things. "Looks like you came, babe" oh shit.

"I didn't even tell you where it was and you came..wow, you really do love me still." Marco chuckled , trying to hug me. I pushed him off me. "Actually, me and my.." Before I could finish my sentence, Ethan came over to me. "Hey, babe. Um..who's this?" Ethan hugged me and gave Marco a nasty look. "Oh..this is Marco, my EX boyfriend." I gave him a fake smile. "Iyona, you never told me you had a douche for a boyfriend!" Marco chuckled, Ethan's chin scrunched up as his fist balled up. He walked over to Marco. "No don't.."
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING A DOUCHE? No wonder Iyona broke up with you, asshole.." Ethan walked off, leaving Marco speechless than ever. I really wanted laugh, but I ran after Ethan.

Ethan's POV
I really wanted to punch the living shit out of this dude, but I didn't want to scare Iyona. I felt someone's arms around my torso. Iyona. Her chest was against my back, she was really warm. "I thought you were gonna punch him.." Iyona whispered. "I didn't need to. He wasn't worth my time." I walked over to the spot with all of our stuff and sat down. "You wanna swim?" I asked Iyona, rubbing her hips. She nodded as she slowly took off her shirt, revealing her minty colored bikini top. I was speechless. She took off her pants, under was her bikini bottom. Her body look better than ever in what she was wearing. Her body fit so well with every curve she had. She was perfect. "Uh...*speechless AF* You...uhh..." Iyona giggled as she kissed my cheek. I felt my face getting red, so I took off my shirt and dived into the pool. Iyona glared at me, then dived afterwards. She arrived back up from the water, she flipped her hair from her face and smiled at me. I swam closer to her and hugged her from behind. "Hey beautiful." I said as I kissed her collarbone. "Not here, Ethan!" Iyona giggled and pushed me off her. "But you look so hot..." I whinned like a little five year old. Iyona rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek. "Not now.. Later though." She winked and swam closer to Grayson and Laila.

Iyona's POV
"So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked Laila and Gray. "We can play chicken fight!" Grayson said, tickling Laila's hips, making her squeal and laugh. I shrug and look back did Ethan. He wasn't behind me, so I got out of the pool and looked around for him. "Ethan? Come on, we were gonna play chicken fight!" I yelled, looking around the barbecue area. I look behind stuff and find Ethan. He jumped up and hugged me tight. "Heyy there, pretty lady..You know, you look even better wet" Ethan chuckled and held me tighter. My face was filled with a light shade of pink "Okay, okay. Let's go.." He interrupted me by smashing his lips onto mine. His kisses always felt good, and right. I pull back and catch my breath. "Come on, Eth! Let's go play!!" I whinned. Ethan sighed and nodded. I grinned and ran towards the pool as Ethan follows. We jump into the pool as Gray and Laila cheer on. "Ready to play?" Grayson asked. We both nodded and started playing chicken fight.
*Ethan's house*

Ethan pinned onto his bed and places wet kisses around my neck. "You're lucky my parents aren't home. Plus, Grayson doesn't care." He said out of breath. I ignored him and took off his clothes. "I don't why you'd even bother putting the shirt back on." I giggled. Ethan took off my bikini . He didn't even give me the chance to take a freaking shower. He slowly hovers over my body and sucked on my collarbone. My moaning escaped from my mouth, leaving Ethan more teased. He stopped and went lower to my thighs. He slowly kissed all the way to my area. He looked up at me and winked, as I grabbed onto a sheet. He started swishing his tounge around my cilt. I moaned and grabbed a shitload of his surprisedly silky hair. He licked his lips and growled at me. "Quit teasing me..or else.." Total fucking turn on. Ethan's voice was so raspy after yelling a whole bunch at the pool, it was hot. I pulled him towards my face, and passionately kisses him. I , this time, hovered over his body. I sat down to the point where my ass was really close to his member. I could tell Eth was excited. I placed myself right above his length. He wrapped his hands around my waist. "You ready?" I asked. Ethan nodded as I pounced onto his member. I moaned as Ethan threw his head back in pleasure. He was now in control. He thrusted faster yet still not that sloppy. I got off and wrapped my hands around his boner. I went up and back down with my hands. "Fuck, Iyona!" Ethan groaned. I smirked as my mouth was just a few inches away from his member. I widened my mouth and placed onto his length. I gaged a little, considering how big he was. My mouth pounced up and down as Ethan moaned my name a little louder. "Iyona..I'm gonna reach my climate soon..." Ethan said, out of breath. I got off which made a pop sound and frowned. "Well, I gotta punish you somehow.. " I whisper to Ethan. He closed his eyes and nodded. I shrugged and decided to grind on top of him. Ethan's head popped up as his hands cupped my face. He roughly kiss my lips. I scoot closer to his chest and wrap my arms around his neck, while we were still kissing. He pulled away from me and set my onto the bed. "Go take a shower." Ethan said, laying down and admiring by body once more.
I groaned and hopped into the shower.

Ethan's POV
I told Iyona to go take a shower. Iyona went to the bathroom and started the shower. I sigh and look up at the ceiling. I got up from the bed and tell Iyona, "I'll be joining you in a few!!" I can hear Iyona saying okay as I find a towel. I wrap the towel around my waist and walk downstairs. Grayson was in the living room with Laila, laughing. "You guys are fucking loud, dude." Grayson chuckles. My face felt like it was blushing. "Says the one the masterbates the loudest. " I said, hitting the back of his head. Laila just starts burst out laughing. "Shut up! Why do you have a towel anyways? You just got out of the shower?" "No, about to hop in. I just came down here to see if you guys were both here still." I say as I walk back to my room. I can hear Iyona's beautiful singing in the shower. I open the door. "Babe, in coming in." I close the door and hop into the shower. Iyona was wrapping her hands all over herself, trying to cover. "There's no point of going that, baby girl. I've already seen everything." Her face was a light shade of pink. I leaned over to her, and pecked her lips a few times before washing up.
"Do we have to? I mean, I've already met your parents before!" I groaned at Iyona. She giggled and kissed my cheek. "Yes, and don't be a dick about it." She opened the door and seen her dad on the couch. "Hey dad, where is ma?" Iyona sat next to her Dad as I just stood next to her. Her Dad gave me a 'stare in the soul' look at me, then glanced back at Iyona. "She's not here right now. She probably won't be back until tomorrow. And why is Ethan here?" He gave me another look while talking to Iyona. "I wanted you guys to meet each other. You know, get to know another." Iyona giggled, holding on to my hand. I nervously chuckled and let my other hand out for Mr. Opal to shake it. "It's very nice to see you again, Mr.Opal! As you already know, my name is Ethan Dolan." My hand was shaking before he got a hold of it, and shook. His hands were really big and firm. "I'm Iyona's father, just call me David. I mean, if you prefer that." He said, giving me a weak smile. "OK, well Ethan and I will be in my room for a little while. Dad, don't barge in either." Iyona said, giving her dad a hug and a kiss on the for head. He nodded as we made our way to her room. "You know, I think your dad is starting to like me!" I said in a sarcastic tone. Iyona giggles and walks over to her drawer. "Don't get too cocky about." She throws a shirt at my face, yet I catch it. "Gimme back that shirt, I'm gonna wear that." Iyona says as I give the shirt back. "What are we gonna do now? Can we please leave? I feel awkward here." I plead to Iyona as she changes into another shirt. Before she could answer, the doorbell rings.

Iyona's POV
The doorbell rings as I slide on my shirt. I speed walk downstairs and go towards the door. "You changed your shirt. Did you change in front of Ethan?!" My dad stares at Ethan. "No, I was in my bathroom dad." I lied. I open the door to see the #1 asshole of the year, Marco.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Language!" Dad retorts.
I sighed and looked back at Marco. "I'm here for you obviously! And your so called boyfriend." Marco slightly pushes me out the way, letting himself in. He walks towards Ethan and smirks. "Still dont believe that you would pick Ethan Grant Dolan." I chocked on my spit, looking at Marco like he was crazy. "How the heck do you know is full name?!?"
"I used to know him..when he was little.. Hell, i used to admire him."
Words: 1722
WELL DAMN IYONA! TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAYY!! Im pretty proud of myself. Anywho!!! I did change the fathers name to David because of the stupid ass drama between Steven, Meridth, and Ethan.
NOT THE POINT!!! ok, well im sorry it took me a FKN YEAR to update!! I was busy and reading other books (Prisoner is fkn sad as shit) for inspiration( NOT TO STEAL)
Ok welp! I'll see you potatoes later!! (cant believe 400 readers oml)

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