Guys.. Stop.

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Yes that's a picture of me. (*cringe intended*)

Okay guys seriously stop but the comments saying "Eww your books have smut" and "This is disgusting" Like, I KNOW THATS KINDA THE POINT! The book specifically says it's mature content so if you don't like it, then stop reading it. I'm sick and tired of people saying my books are disgusting and they have too much content not made for children in it. You shouldn't be reading it if you're uncomfortable with that kind of stuff on it!!! So please if you do not enjoy reading stuff like my books, then get off!! That simple people...

Anyways I would like to say I'm sorry for taking forever to update and crap. Its because I have so much stuff going on and too much to worry about at the moment. So please don't get mad if I take a week to update. Thanks for understanding..
Potato... out!

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