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Iyona's POV.
Two weeks later...

Today is the day I tell my parents about the baby.. I promise Ethan.
I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone to text Ethan.

Me: Ethan I need you to come over.. I'm ready to tell them.
Ethan: okay I'll be there in about 15 minutes. I'm glad you made the decision now.

I plopped down onto my bed and brushed my hair back with my fingers. I looked over to my nightstand and seen a baby picture of me. I grabbed it and looked at the back of the picture. "Iyona, four months old." I seen my face, of how happy I looked with my light pink dress on with a matching headband. I felt myself grinning and started gigging.

I rose up from my bed, placed the picture back on the nightstand, and walked downstairs. My phone started rumbling, Ethan texted me that he was already here. I took a deep breath and opened the front door to see Ethan in a gray Adias jacket with some light blue ripped pants and to pull it all off, some white pull on Vans.

I gave Ethan a big hug as he kissed my forehead. I brought him inside and called my mom and dad to come downstairs. This was the big moment.. we weren't even married yet we're having a baby... I felt my hands shaking as my parents made their way down the steps. Ethan intertwined his fingers with mine, which made me feel better.

"Okay, Iyona. What is it? And why is Ethan here? " My dad asked.

"Well.. we both need to tell you something important. " Ethan replied confidently. I glanced up at him and smiled.

"Mom, dad... I'm pregnant. " I said quietly. Both of their faces went blank. My dad slowly got up from the couch and stared at Ethan and I.

"Get out. " He grunted.

"Dad please -"


My heart dropped as my eyes filled up with tears. I ran up to my room and packed all m stuff. Ethan came up to my room and helped me pack as well. 

Once we were done, Ethan grabbed some of my bags while I did too and went downstairs to Ethan's car. I gave my dad one last glance and seen the anger and confusion in his eyes. I shook my head and slammed the front door.

I closed the car door and placed everything I had into the back of the car. I looked at Ethan as he had a few tears flowing down his jaw. He slammed his fist onto the strirring wheel and yelled. I rubbed on his back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry Iyona.. I'm sorry that I got you pregnant. " He mumbled.

"Don't be sorry, Eth. It's not like I knew that my dad was gonna do that. Come on, let's go to your house and figure all this out. " I said as Ethan rose up and starting driving to his house.

We arrived at his front door and opened it. No one was in the living room, and it was pretty quiet. I guess we're alone.

I slouched onto the couch and let out a huge sigh. Ethan crawled his way onto my lap and laid his head there. I started messing with his soft, brown hair.

Ethan's POV.

Honestly, I'm pissed off at Iyona's parents. They didn't even give her the chance to say anything!  I hope my parents will let Iyona stay here, in my older sister's room. I try to hide the fact that I'm scared too, I don't want Iyona to freak out anymore, especially with a human in her stomach! My little human.

I gazed up at Iyona and smiled, rubbing her stomach in circles.
Iyona giggles and kisses my lips. As we're waiting for my parents to arrive back, I turn on the tv and play some cartoons.

"My parents should be home in a few, they get off around 5 anyways. " I said , combing Iyona's hair with my fingers.

As I finished my sentence, the front door opens and my parents come in with a huge smile planted onto their faces.

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Dolan! " Iyona said, going up to and hugging them. Iyona was really close to my parents, which was pretty good. I walked up to Iyona's side and grinned.

"Mom, Dad, there's something we need to tell you both. " I said quietly. They both sit down on the couch and sit their stuff down onto the floor.

"This is good news, right? " Mom said, still grinning.

"Ummm... " Iyona sighed as her hands were fiddling again.

"Iyona's pregnant.. and... I'm the father. " I commented. My parents smiles faded slowly. My stomach was swirling up until my mom came up to Iyona, and hugged her.

My eyes widened as Iyona started crying with my mother. My dad on the other hand, was just sitting in silence and shock. I sat next to him and sighed.

"Dad.. im-"

"Don't say anything. I seen Iyona's stuff inside your car. She can't stay here, Ethan. " My dad whispered.

"Why?! " I got up in frustration.

"Because we can't take care of her!  Besides, your the one that wanted to move out! "

"Sean! Let her stay!  She needs help with her child anyways! " My mom added. They started fighting as Iyona just stood there in confusion. I turned over towards her and gave her a hug.

"This is all my fault. " She mumbled into my shoulder.

"No it's not-"


"What do you mean? "

"I'm saying that... I'm sorry that we had to meet, Ethan. If I just.." She sighed and fell to the ground.

My parents and I ran over to her as she knocked out onto the floor.

"DAD CALL THE AMBULANCE OR SOMEONE! " I screamed as I checked Iyona's pulse. She was breathing at a very slow pace.

Words: 1019

Oh hello :)


OK bye.  (I feel like crap)

potato out
Iyona :)

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