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AN: hi guys! surry that the last chapter sucked it's just I didn't really know what to do..Mk byes!!
Iyona's POV
Holy shit.. did Ethan just say?..
I widened my eyes and froze when I heard those words spit out of Ethan..
"Well it did to me! Because I like you, Iyona!"
We both stood there and stared at each other with a shocked face. I didn't know what to do. I like Ethan too, I just didn't know he felt the same way. Ethan broke the silence with a sigh.
"Look, Iyona, when you ran into me that one day..I didn't know how to feel about that at all. And when we have sex, its not just that.. its love. Iyona, you make me feel some type of way that I can't explain. I just love you so much and I was afraid to tell you because I knew you didn't like me back.."
Ethan started running his fingers through his hair as he turned his back towards me.
I placed my hand on his shoulder. I turned him around and placed both my hands on Ethan's face. I chuckled and kissed his soft, plump, pink lips. I can feel his arms wrapping around my waist, then goes lower to my butt. I slightly giggled and cupped Ethan's face. "Ethan, you don't know how badly I wanted those words to come out your mouth. I love you so much. Ever since we bumped into each other , the first day I met you, I fell in love with you! When I'm with you, I want to freeze time in order to spend forever with you..I just didn't know how to tell you." Ethan smiles and kisses my head and grabs my hips again. "Iyona, I want all of you. That means your flaws, your mistakes, and your imperfections! I just want you and only you.. Iyona, will you be my girlfriend?" I gasped and wiggle my hands around my face in excitement. "YES, ETHAN!! YES!!" I jump onto his torso while wrapping my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck. I smashed my lips against his, as he does back. I pulled away as I stared at his defined facial features. His eyes, his lips, his hair, everything. "What?" "Oh nothing, you're just really cute." We both laugh as he puts me down and holds my hand as we walked back to our seats. Melanie looked at me, smiled, then looked back at Cameron.
I glared over to Cameron as he did the same. He winked at me, then looked back at Melanie . Fuck boy. "Please don't tell me y'all a thing." I said in disgust. "Oh me and Cameron.. I mean.. If you wanna be." She gave Cameron a smile and place her hand onto his. "Melanie, I know I've only known you for about a good thirty minutes, but I feel this connection..." "YES, CAMERON!!" Melanie runs behind his chair and hugs him from behind. Ethan and I start laughing as Laila is just sitting there on her phone as always.
"You sure you don't wanna ride with us? There's still some room." Melanie insisted as all of us walked to the parking lot.
"Nah, I'll ride with Ethan." I patted her shoulder and walked towards Ethan's car. Melanie grabbed my arm and tugged me back. "Do you and Ethan have a connection or something?" "No, he knows where I live because he had to drive me home one day, just calm down." I sigh and walk. I jump into the car, waiting for Eth to start the car. He sighs and looks at me. "Iyona, if you're not comfortable with telling people we're dating, it's okay. Just let me know when you want to tell someone, alright?" I glanced at Ethan and nodded 'yes'. He started the car and drove. I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with telling people about us yet. I mean, I can trust people like Laila and Gray, but that's pretty much all. I guess I should tell Ethan. We were pretty close to my house, just around the corner, so I taped Ethan's shoulder. "Maybe we can tell your brother and Laila. I don't think I'm ready for too many people. Let's just keep it small good now, okay?" Ethan glanced over at me and gave me a toothy grin, which is super adorable. We finally arrived to my house, I didn't see my mom's car so she's not home. Neither is my dad as usual. "Ethan, you can come in if you want to." I insisted as I grabbed his hand. "But what if your mom comes home? Or worse.. Your dad?!?" Ethan rubbed his hands on the back of his neck. "You're so cute when you freak out.." I giggled as I cupped my hands onto his face. I could feel his face getting warmer, he was blushing. We entered the house as I walked over to the kitchen. "Want some soda?" I shouted from the kitchen. "Nah, water would be nice though." I rolled my eyes and tossed the water at Ethan. "So Eth, what you wanna watch on.. Netflix?" I said, searching through the options. "I'm honestly in the mood for something scary. Just hope you don't fall off the couch again!" Ethan laughed as I shoved him and punched playfully. "That was LITERALLY ONCE, Ethan!! Once!!" I groaned and turned the other way. "Awe.. is baby girl upset at me?" Ethan turned me back around, facing him, and grabbed my face. I felt my face heat up, so I pushed Ethan off the couch and started to burst out laugh. My laughter was interrupted by a phone call from my mom. "Hola mi madre!(hi mom)" (I don't really speak that much Spanish lol) ."Hey are you already home? It's almost nine." "Yes, I've been home for awhile now, what's up?" "Oh I was just making sure because I am on my way home and I was just making sure you were alright." "Yea, I'm cool. Well see you later then." "Love you, Alicia." (Middle name) "love you bye bye." Shiz. "Eth, you gotta go, my mom is coming back from gosh who knows what, sorry.." I walked over to Ethan and hugged him. "It's alright.. Love you baby girl." He said, leaning in to kiss me slowly. I grabbed his face and smashed my lips onto his for about five seconds. I leaned back and smiled at him. Eth smiled back as he closes the door. I sighed and went upstairs to my room and fell asleep.

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