3~ Life's Funny That Way

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Divorce court. It's awful. It brings out the worst in people. The person you promised to love forever is now the only person standing in the way of your only child. The person who is also saying everything you've ever done wrong in your entire life. Your work life. Your social life. Who you are or are not with. It's messy. And it gets ugly fast.

I stand there and listen as my best friend all through school and husband of three years tells everyone what's wrong with me. How I'm an unfit mother. How I'm unstable and am impossible to make happy. I've stated my case. I did my research. I've done everything I can.

I have this gnawing feeling in my gut that I didn't do enough. That I'm not going to win this. He has everything. The house. A wife. A job. What do I have? My brain. And for the first time in my life I feel like that's not going to get me my way.

If only Harry was here. He always knows what to do. But he told me that he's staying out of it. He has enough stuff to worry about with just getting married himself. But I just wish someone was in my side. Weasley has been monopolizing our friend group. Turning them all against me. He cheated on me, but I'm the bad guy because I left. He made me feel worthless, but I'm the bad guy.

The only one that seems to be sticking with me is Ginny. I thank Merlin for her. When I have Rose, she watches her while I'm in court. She is the only one who has listened to my side of the story. Everybody else thought that I just left because I didn't love him.

I wish I didn't. I wish that I could look at him and feel nothing. I wish it didn't kill me to see him with her. I wish it didn't kill me that she's pregnant with his child. That was supposed to be me.

I was supposed to have the happily ever after. I was supposed to have little red headed children with him. My child was supposed to have both her parents with her as she left for Hogwarts. My child wasn't supposed to have to go through this.

Life's funny that way. One day, you could have the perfect life. A family. A husband. And then the following day you find letters from another woman. And pictures of him with said woman. The next thing you know you're standing outside your mother's house, child in hand, explaining why you're in tears.

Suddenly, I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear the judge say, " In the case of Weasley vs. Granger, Ronald Weasley and Taylor Weasley née Ingram get soul custody of one Rosalee Jean Weasley. And Ms. Hermione Granger gets visiting rights and all the money in the Weasley- Granger joint Gringots vault. That will be all."

My heart drops. I lost my daughter...

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