30~ I Need to

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"Hey, Love, do you want to go see a movie?" I ask Hermione as I'm laying on her couch, with my head in her lap, reading.

"Perce, we have work tomorrow, and it's already 9:30. By time we pick a movie and get to the theater it'll be 10:00. Which means, it won't be over until midnight, at the earliest," she reasons.

"So? Be adventurous, Granger." I tease as I playfully ruffle her hair.

She fixes her hair in a huff, "You have to be at work by 5:00 am. And you're secretary is already complaining to me because you're grumpy at work from lack of sleep. She really doesn't like me, was there ever anything between you two?"

Honestly, yes. She was my first girlfriend, but will I tell Hermione that? Nope.

"We met at a bar, hooked up, and then, three months later when I got my current position, she walks in and informs me that she was hired as my secretary. Needless to say, it was awkward, but we got over it. At least I thought we did," I respond nonchalantly.

"Oh, well still, you need your sleep. So, no movie," she responds quietly.

"C'mon, Granger, let's forget about work and be kids again, just for the night. If you want, you can even sleep during the movie, and I'll drink a bunch of coffee and energy drinks tomorrow as to not be tired for Astoria. Will that make you feel better?"

She sighs defeatedly, "Fine, what movies are playing?"

"I don't know, but Legally Blonde just came out on video. we could rent it," I offer excitedly. I love Legally Blonde.

"Again? We saw it in theaters, not to mention, we just rented it Monday night. We've been dating for three months, and we've watched that movie at least eleven times together," Hermione whines as she shakes her head.

I cross my arms over my chest and pout, "Fine, you choose then."

She leans down and kisses me, "You're so cute when you pout."

I fake gasp, "I most certainly am not! I have a manly pout, thank you very much," I mock offence.

"Oh yes, dear. Your pout is very manly," she mocks. "As manly as the movie Legally Blonde."

I sit up and look at her, "And what movie do you suggest we watch, Ms. Granger?"

She blushes, "Big Fish."

"Hermione, we've watched that movie so many times together. You can't possibly be sick of Legally Blonde and not of Big Fish. I refuse to accept that."

"Oh you do, do you?" she tests.

"How about this, we watch Legally Blonde, because it's shorter, tonight. Then, tomorrow, we'll have a full movie night with Big Fish being the very first movie we watch," I offer.

"Fine," she says as she gets up to make popcorn.

"I'll go get the movie," I cheer.


I get home around 1:00 and walk into my room to get ready for bed.

I slide down into my silk sheets and grab my book off of my nightstand. I try to read, but my mind is going a million kilometers an hour. The movie, Hermione, my parents, Hogwarts, everything. How did my life get so off track just to get back on again when Hermione walks in?

I was with a different girl every night. Waking up every morning hungover, and wondering what happened the night before. Then she came back to me three months ago. She brought light back into my life. She gave me a reason to keep going. I made a promise to her a month ago, that I'd stay with her no matter what. We're on the track to marriage. I need to tell her the truth. I need to give her my everything. She deserves that, and so much more.

I shouldn't have chickened out. I should have sent those letters when I was Draco. I could've avoided being a Death Eater. I could've had the life Father couldn't give me. She's everything good in my life, but I can't be honest with her.

I get out of bed and put my clothes back on and apparate to her flat. I'm going to do it. I have to do it.

I land and knock on the front door, a few moments later she appears at the door in nothing but a robe, "Percy, what's going on? I was just going to get in the shower."

I get a mischievous grin on my face, "Can I join you?"

"There is no way you came all the way back here just to make that joke. So, tell me, what's going on?"

"There's something I need to tell you.."

*ring ring ring*

She glares behind her shoulder, "Stupid phone... This sounds important, come inside while I answer the phone. Once I'm off the phone, you can have my full attention."

"Alright," I say as I follow her inside.

I start to pace in her living room and I can hear her talking to someone on the phone being fake polite. After five minutes, she slammed her phone down and comes up to me.

"Well," she huffs, "Ron's trial was today, and they let him go with probation because they found out the mistress was due any day. Harry just called to inform me that Asthenés Thayer Weasley was born about an hour ago."

I cringe at the name, "That just trips off the tongue, doesn't it?"

"You could say that again," she chuckles, "If you were to translate his name it means 'Weak Rebel,' poor kid."

We laugh for a while, clutching our sides. I feel bad for laughing at the kid's name, but man, did they not know?

"You came over here to talk to me about something. So, what's going on?" she asks when we finally sober up.

I pale, "It's nothing, I forgot what I was going to say. It'll come to me eventually."

Damn it, Draco. You chickened out, again.

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