16~ Family Discussions

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After dinner, Father turns towards me and asks, "Granger... Really?"

"What's wrong with her? She's sweet, charming, funny, not to mention she's absolutely beautiful," I reply without looking up from my book. "What more could you want?"

"Lucius, don't," Mother warns.

"She's not one of us, Draco. She won't fit in with our friend group. Not to mention what would happen if she figured out who you really are."

"Won't fit in? When was the last time you went to one of your pure blood rituals anyway? Besides, I'm a half blood, remember?" I try.

"You still grew up in a pure blood society in your fake life," Father shoots back.

"Yes, but she can't see you guys around me."

"Draco, dear, could you remove your charm and contacts? I miss your real looks," Mother steps in trying to change the subject.

"Yes, Mother," I reply sweetly. I remove my disguise, and instantly feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders.

Mother berms at me, "Oh, how I missed those baby blues."

Father softened, "Yeah, so did I. But don't change the subject, Narcissa. This is serious."

"I know, but you can't blame the boy for taking a risk, he's in love with the girl."

"Draco, do you deem this wise? Being so close to her can't be safe for your identity," Father says as he gets up to get a drink. "Fire whiskey?"

"Yes, please," I respond. "I realize it's dangerous, but she's bound to find out eventually."

"That's what I'm saying. Wait.. If you know this, then what're you doing?" He asks as he fixes the drinks.

"It wasn't the plan to tell her, yet, but someone knows, so they'll probably spill it to her for me."

"What!" They both shout as they look at me.

I pull the note out of my pocket, "I got this today at work. I've already tried using magic to figure out who wrote it, but it was typed on a muggle computer."

"What's a, uh, that word you just used?" Mother asks.

"Computer. It's a muggle devise that they use to keep information. They confuse me," I reply casually.

"You must leave Britain then," Father finally speaks up.

"No," I scold, "I'm not running from this, Father."

"Draco, do you want to go to Azkaban? Is that what you want? Because that's where you're headed if this gets leaked," Father snaps back. "Don't you see how bad this is? You naïve boy, thinking this will all blow over. It's not going to. You wanted a new life, to start over, to not have to carry the Malfoy name. Yes, I didn't agree with it, but I helped you anyways. Yet, here you are, ready to throw it all away. For what?"


"A girl? You're going to... No, I won't let that happen. You're leaving tomorrow afternoon to Finland, and that's the end of this discussion."

"I'm not fifteen anymore, you can't make me go!" I'm livid, how dare he?

"I'll make sure you go, you know I have ways," he warns, "don't make me use them."

"I can't believe you'd use..."

"I was the original Slytherin Prince, son."

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