Chapter 5: A Cry For Help

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I reached into my truck to hide my belongings then locked my truck. I didn't take anything with me, but I should've at least taken my phone. After seeing what was inside I needed to make a call for help, but you can't do that if you were like me-phoneless.  

The ground was bumping, rocky, icy, and had wires and junk everywhere. I wasn't paying attention to myself, but on the noise instead so I was clumsier than normal. I had only taken about six steps from my truck and was already on my rear sliding. I slid straight into a hole in the street. I stood up and noticed that my leg had torn a little and was bleeding from the icy gravel. 

"Just great," I mumbled. "So much for coming in one piece."

The building was on higher ground than the road was. Not by much, but when its icy out and you're tired, bloody, and frustrated it seems like a mountain. I began to walk up the small hill to get to the old warehouse, I was only half way up before I fell and slid backwards. I reached out for something to stop or at least slow my fall and grabbed a tree branch. Since the branch was also icy it didn't help and I fell onto my rear anyways. 

I stood up, brushed some snow off my jeans, and began to walk the hill again with a bloody leg and now a bloody hand. When I set my mind to do something, I am gonna do it, no matter what the consequences. And I had set my mind to finding out what the noise was and to climbing that hill. I should've set my mind to running as far away as possible from that hill though and getting help. But like most teens, I think after I do something and usually do it again anyways. 

After four more tries, a bloody hand, leg, shoulder, side, and forehead a very frustrated me was finally in front of the warehouse's front door. 

"Well, it's about time," I mumbled. I started to wonder if exploring the noise was worth all of this. For whatever reason I decided yes then. Now I would say no, most definitely I would scream no.

I gathered up all of my strength then slowly pushed open the door. It was unlocked, although I expected otherwise.  I made one glance backwards then went inside, slowly closing the door behind me. I was now in some dark, empty, hollow, concrete hallway. Not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. 

The noise was definitely coming from in here. It was loud and clear as day. It almost sounded like an animal, my stomach dropped at that idea. I hoped that I was wrong, I hoped that I was WAY wrong. I hadn't come all this way to turn back, so I decided to find out where the noise was coming from. 

I walked to the end of the hallway, the sound only getting louder, then took a left-following the noise. My heart was now pounding in my chest and I began to think about all of the things that it could be coming from. I realized that if there was a human in that room that I would have a difficult time explaining my condition to them. I prayed that there wasn't. 

I took a right towards the sound and was now in a hallway with lots of different rooms on each side. The light in this hallway and in the rooms where on. I knew that I had found something, but I wasn't sure if I should be happy or terrified. The noise was now almost deafening and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I knew that it was livestock of some sort. I thought it was a pig by the way it was screeching.  

When I got to the end of that hallway there was two large double doors that said Dr.Allen's lab KEEP OUT!  I'm not sure why I had to be a stupid kid and disobey that sign, if I would've obeyed I wouldn't have become an experiment. 

The pig noises were coming from that room and I knew that he could've just been finding a cure for something, but in Ward's Island? I thought not. Why in the world would a scientist be trying to find a cure in a crappy warehouse on a small island in New York? Why not in an actual lab somewhere where he couldn't be disturbed? I thought that I better see what he was doing, for all I knew that animal could be dying-it sounded like it- and he could be doing something illegal. 

I took a deep breath, wiped my sweaty palms off on my pants, and told myself for about a minute that I could do this- that I HAD to do this. After that minute was up I set my hands on the door getting ready to push it open. 

I could've ran. I should've ran. But I didn't and now I am the monster that I always was afraid of when I was a kid. A monster that kills innocent people for fun. The monster that parents tell their children about at night. I am that beast. You have been warned. 

Okay so yes I know that I was quoting Loki, I have a plan, there was a point to doing that. I didn't do that just because I felt like quoting Loki, he actually comes into play in my story and will play a huge part in Jessica's life. Read on to find out what he is to her, or should I say WHO he is to her.  

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