Chapter 13:No More Animals

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"Sir!" Maria Hill shouted running to catch up with Nick Fury. "We have a slight problem."

"Which is?" Fury asked his walked not slowing.

"My plan is failing."


"Well, you see, he isn't using animals anymore."

Fury's walked stopped completely as he turned to face Maria. "Meaning what? Please tell me he hasn't already started using humans." 

"We don't actually know for sure."

"What do you mean you don't know? What are you trying to tell me, Agent?" Fury's voice was rising and Maria could since his anger. 

"The last animal we saw him bring in was a baby pig. That was about a week ago, no more animals have come in since."


"Before the pig he was bringing in animals almost everyday. I think his targets have changed."

"To what? Get to your point, I am a busy man and I don't have all day." Fury crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I think he might be using humans, sir. None of the other agents saw a human go in, but I don't think that it rules off the idea."

"Are you sure he didn't die in the building?"

"Yes, he was out the other night. I had three agents follow him, he went to the hospital, we don't know why. Our agents sat outside in the parking all for seven hours though waiting for him to come back out. I think out mad scientist has a friend." 

"Which isn't good if he does. Did he walk out with anybody?" Fury asked now more curious.

"No, sir. He didn't follow anybody out either, so that rules out stalking unless he was stalking a patient. I checked to see who the patients were, nobody from his past. I am not sure who he was paying a visit to."

"Well find out. That person could either be his partner in crime or could be his crime. Figure out who it was and what he wanted with them."

"Yes, sir I am on it." With that Maria ran off with her walkie talkie up to her mouth recruiting agents for a mission. 

They had a problem though. They didn't expect a 13 year old girl to have been his crime. And it was too late for them to save her, she was becoming a monster that not even the doctor could stop. Scary feeling to not have control over your own experiment. Its even worse when S.H.I.E.L.D. can't stop it. Time to say your goodbyes. Goodbye to your family and friends because most of them in the next three months would be gone because of her. 

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