Chapter 18: You're Kidding

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"Fury!" Agent Carter yelled while running into the helicarrier's main area to find Agent Hill and Agent Coulson talking to him.  "We may have a slight problem on our hands."

Fury turned his attention toward Agent Carter as he asked, "And what might that be, Agent?"

" I haven't seen our crazy doctor bringing in any victims lately."

"I have already been over this with Fury, Carter. He already knows about this," Maria sighed.

"Well then he may or may not know this next part," Carter continued. "I haven't seen the doctor, at all, but I have seen something else that could be important."

"Get to the point, Carter. I don't have all day," Fury said rolling his eyes.

"There has been sightings of a teenage girl going in and out of his warehouse, every now and then." 

Coulson perked up at that idea, "What do you mean, a teenage girl?"

"I mean exactly what I said. There has been a teenage girl going in and out of that warehouse at least once every two weeks."

"Do you know anything else about this girl?" Fury asked now interested.

"I'm sorry to say that I don't, sir. But, I have given all the information I know to Agent Fuller, Periman, Voepel, and Granden. They are working on this right now, we should have information in a few days."

"Days?" Fury asked. "No, I want the information in 48 hours at most. Understood?"

"Yes, sir I will go tell them right away!" With that Carter ran off with a walkie-talkie up against her mouth giving instructions. 

Coulson and Maria began walking off , but Fury yelled after them. "Where do you two think you're heading off to?" 

"We were going to go see what we could find out," Maria said.

"No, you're going to do my mission that I have for you." 

"And what would that be, sir?" Coulson asked.

"I need you two to go into the warehouse and bring the doctor back here for questioning."

"Yes, sir. Would you like for us to bring anyone else with us?" 

"Agent Saul can drive you, and bring Agent Muller. But leave them in the SUV unless things inside the warehouse get out of hand and you wind up needing backup. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Director. We will go get on it right now. The doctor will be here in your custody for questioning by tonight." Maria said running off with Coulson to go grab the extra agents and supplies needed for their mission. 

Only if they knew. There is no more Dr.Allen. At least no more living Dr.Allen. He's dead. You can't question the dead.

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