Chapter Nine

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Thanks to complexions for the amazing cover!!


It was Monday morning and saying I was tired was a complete understatement. I was sure glad to have my car back though.

I walked towards my locker and found Gerald leaning against it, he seemed to be waiting for me.

"Hey." He greeted me as soon as I walked over.

"Why are you standing in front of my locker?" I said not bothering to greet him back.

"Because I knew you'd come here and I wanted to see how you were doing." He shrugged still standing in front of my locker.

"I'm tired. That's how I am." I said shoving him out of the way.

"Well I'm good thanks for asking." He said sarcastically.

"I didn't ask." I pointed out while getting my books.

"Someone is in a b-" he paused and looked at my left hand. "What happened to your hand?"

"I got burned." I said casually.

"How?" He said with concern.

"With an ice cube." I said sarcastically and walked away. Honestly I didn't want to tell him what really happened and get more attention.

Before I could even take two steps he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"Victoria, I want a serious answer and not a fucking sarcastic one." He said sounding annoyed.

"Gerald I'm not a puppet, I don't have to do as you want me to."

"Fuck Victoria, you have some serious moods when you're tired, do you know that?" He said frustratedly.

Just then the bell rang and I tired to break free of his grasp, but he was too strong.

"Dammit, let go of me." I demanded.

He smirked,"Not until you answer my question."

I sighed annoyed at him. "Fine, Jessica burned me with boiling water. Happy now?"

"I knew it had something to do with her or your brother!" He said and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"Now can you let go of me?" I said grimly.

"How did she burn you?" He asked ignoring my statement.

"You not going to let me go until I answer you, are you?" I asked and he shook his head.

I explained to him what happened and he looked pretty pissed but he kept it under control and finally let go of me.

"Well now because of you I'm late and probably going to be in detention." I said sourly at him.

"It's English and we have that together so I'll make sure you don't get detention. Every teacher here is scared of my dad." He said, walking next to me.

I was done with English and Gerald was right, I didn't get any detention thanks to him.

I was currently in math with a very quiet and broody Nate next to me, all he did was say hi to me and that was it. He wasn't even paying attention to the teacher.

I kicked his leg under the table to get his attention and ask him what his issue was.

He looked at me with a questioning look on his face.

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