16~I swear

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The picture is what I picture the horse Jesse to look like. Jesse is actually a horse that my friend owns, but I can't find a picture to use. She looks relatively close to this horse. All that's different is a blue eye on her right eye, a white stripe down her face, and a white marking on her front left leg.


I go back over the recent events in my head. Tyler beside me stirs gently. I can't help but tear up, yet smile at the same time.

What did I do to deserve him? He is a famous hot shot who has some pretty amazing looks to go with it all. Why did he choose me over all the other girls he could have? I mean girls practically throw themselves at him. I give up mid thought, and wander downstairs. 

My mom is peeling off her boots that are caked in mud.

I laugh. "Did Danny Boy splash the water out of his trough?" Danny boy, our 2 year old purebred quarter horse was always making a mess with his water. He just can't keep it in the trough.

She looked up at me with a annoyed look. "That damn colt is such a child. I swear." She practically yells.

"Can you be quiet, Ty-" I begin to 

As if one cue, Tyler stumbled down the stairs with his untamed hair sexily sticking up every which way. He wasn't aware that my mom was home, so he walked down shirtless.

He smiled sheepishly when my mom saw his sculpted core. "Lord have mercy." She said as she pulled herself together, and threw her boots out the back door onto the porch.

"Don't mind me. Just goin' back to my room." She said as she snuck past Tyler, taking another look at his bare chest and stomach.

I blushed a bit. "Haha yeah, Ty, you sorta forget that I still live with my mom." I laughed, trying to defuse the awkward situation.

He looked at me amused. His lopsided grin was present, and he had an arched eyebrow. "Oh, believe me, I didn't forget."


I drug Tyler out to the barn. After our conversation of him not ever riding a horse, I decided to try to put him in the saddle.

Jesse was the first to stick her head out the stall door. "Hey baby girl." I say as I walk past her stall, rubbing her forehead, before grabbing her bridle from the tack hook beside her stall.

She accepted the bit willingly, and went down without a fight. I found a saddle in the tack room that I knew would fit Tyler. I saddle her up, and lead her over to Tyler.

I handed him the reigns. "Hold these. She may not move very much, but incase she does just pull towards her chest with them." I say as I turn to go and tack up another one of our horses.


We get out to the arena after I tacked up our paint/quarter horse mix. Her name was Diva. She was a bit more wild, and had a tendency not to listen.

That's why I put Jesse under Tyler. She was more obedient.

I instruct Tyler on how to properly mount Jesse. Always from the left side, left foot in the stirrup, bounce a bit, then swing your right leg over the horse's ass. She stood perfectly still for him as he was mounting.

I backed away and waited for Tyler to go. Instead, he sat there and looked at me. "You actually thought I'd know how to control this thing?" He asked as motions towards Jesse.

I laughed. "To turn left, move the reigns to the left. Same with the right. To stop her, pull back towards your hips. To get her to go, you can click. If you want her to go faster than a walk, you have to click several times." I put my arm out, as to tell him that he was free to go.

He stood up in the stirrups, readjusting himself. Once he sat back down, he clicked once. Jesse calmly start walking. I could tell he was nervous by the way he kept re-gripping the reigns.

"Loosen up, Ty. She can tell you're nervous. You're gonna put her on edge. When that happens, and something spooks, her you're gonna go flying off." I warn.

He takes my warning, and takes a deep breath. He nods, then clicks, asking Jesse to step up to a trot.

She obeyed. He went bouncing around in the saddle. "How.. Do you.. Make.. This.. Looks," he pulls back on her reigns mid sentence. He doesn't expect her immediate response, and almost goes flying over her withers. After recovering from his almost spill, he looks up to me and asks "How do you make this look so easy?"

By this time, I made my way over to Diva and mounted. I quickly cantered over to him, stopping before the horses got too close. "You have to do a thing called posting the trot. It goes like that." I say as I begin pushing myself out of the saddle's seat, then back down. "Once you find the horse's rhythm, you'll know. It won't be as bouncy."

He nods as he clicks to Jesse multiple times. She starts trotting, and he starts posting. "There ya go! You got it!" I say as I canter Diva to Jesse's side, slowing to a trot, matching his post rhythm.

He lost the stirrup, and pulled Jesse up. I breezed past him and turned Diva around.

I laughed as I halted Diva beside Jesse. I leaned over the saddle horn, and moved to help Tyler put the stirrup back on.

"The stirrups may be too long for your long ass legs." I tease him as I dismount Diva to move the stirrups up. "Keep the balls of your feet firmly planted in them, and they won't slide off. Of course it'd be easier to keep them on if you had boots."

Tyler rolled his eyes. He pulled his left foot out if the stirrup so I could adjust it easier.

Once fixed, I guided his foot back in place before moving to do the same to the right side.


After about 3 hours of teaching him how to ride, we find our way to the barn. We brushed the dirt from the horses' bodies, and we return them to their stalls.

"Tyler, I want to ask you a question." I said as I keep my eyes locked on Jesse's neck.

He hesitated for a second. "Alright, shoot." He was messing with Jesse's forelock.

I tangle my fingers in Jesse's mane before speaking. "What really happened between you and that girl. Before you answer, just know that I'm pretty sure I can handle the truth." I say, trying not to get emotional.

Tyler nods. "So I go up to the bar to get drinks. As the bartender hands me the drinks, I get tapped on the shoulder. It's her. I tell her that I came with you, and she had offered up some stuff. I politely turned her down, then she threw herself at me. I had the drunks in my hand, so I couldn't push her away. If I didn't have the drinks, I would have. I looked up at you to see if you saw what happened. I didnt want you to be pissed off at me. I swear I didn't do anything to even lead her on." His voice was getting shaky. I could tell he wasn't lying.

At this point, Jesse's mane was blurred by the tears building up. I couldn't stay mad at him, no matter how hard I tried. I let go of Jesse's mane to crash into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his rib cage, and stayed there. He hugged me back, rubbing his thumbs up and down my spine.

I knew then that I didn't want to spend a day without him by my side.

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