Bad Boy Love~ Part 20

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How could he do that to me? I cried as I pushed my way through the crowd of drunken slime-ball guys that were trying to touch my butt.

I wasn't sure what I was doing, but my body was going somewhere.

Ryan's POV (Before Maya Caught Them)

"Hey Babe," I said as I brushed a strand of hair behind Tracy's ear.

"Let's have some fun," she mumbled, completely drunk off her mind.

"What? Not now. We have to time it right." I said pushing her off of me.

"C'mon!" she whined pulling me into the bedroom. I am so going to regret this. I love Maya, I really do. It must just be the alcohol talking. This isn't the plan. She's just supposed to walk in on me with another girl. I'm not supposed to actually fuck them.

As things heated up, I heard to door creak open. I ignored it. What was I supposed to do?

I began to kiss Tracy and then she propped her head up.

"Hey babe, wanna join in on the fun?" she grumbled to the person.

"I'm his girlfriend! " a familiar voice croaked.

I whipped my head around to see Maya. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful. The way her natural rosey cheeks got heated when she was angry, her crystal blue eyes that made me want to melt, her perfect curves that made every guy want her, and how intriguing her personality was.

I messed up.

I should have never gone through with this. It was a dumb plan to begin with.

I can't believe what I was doing! I have the most gorgeous girlfriend I could ever ask for, and then I screwed up. Literally screwed up.

I immediately sat up and chased after her, "Maya!" I called as I ran closer. What have I done? I won't ever be able to get her back.

Maya's POV (Present Time)

I walked around the gigantic house while occasionally checking in mirrors to make sure my make-up wasn't running. Thanks to waterproof products, I looked completely fine.

"I can't believe this is happening," I mumbled to myself.

I stumbled down the huge staircase and went into the kitchen to find girls dancing on tables and counters, luckily they still had clothes on. The loud music boomed and shook the floor from the loud stereo system.

I saw Jake leaning against the black marble counter tops. He had a boyish smirk on his face as he sipped out of his red cup and talked with his friends. Taylor was chatting with Jake and two other guys I had never seen before.

I don't want to seem like a creeper or anything, but I was breathless as I watched him. His laugh was perfect, his deep blue eyes sparkled, his shaggy black hair that I wanted to brush out of his eyes, and his smile was captivating.

I slowly walked over to the small group of guys and stayed silent as I budged into the circle. They all shut up as soon as I walked over to them.

"Hey Maya," said one of the guys I didn't know.

"Umm, who are you?" I asked. His face seemed familiar, but I didn't recognize him very well.

"We were in... I think 7th grade together, or was it 8th?" he questioned himself. "Well I was the kid who set of the fire alarm for a dare," he chuckled to himself.

"Oh yeah! Fire Marshall Patrick," I finally remembered.

There was an awkward silence and we exchanged short glances before Jakes voice spoke up.

"How is your night going?" he asked with a sip of his drink.

I didn't want them to know about Ryan right now and see how sad I am, so I'm gonna lie.

"It's going fine. It's a fun party," I said with a fake smile.

They all eyed eachother before turning back to me. "You're totally fine?" Jakes voice questioned.

"Perfect," I lied as my voice cracked. They all had looks of confusion on their faces. What were they hiding?

"Want a drink?" Taylor asked to break the silence.

Why not?

"Screw it," I said as I threw my hands up, "I'm drinking tonight," I said with a deep breath.

They all laughed and Jake went over to a big bowl with what looked like juice. He grabbed a red solo cup and dunked it into the bowl. He returned to where I was standing and handed the drink over to me.

"What is this?" I asked him as people bumped past me.

"Fruit punch," he simply stated.

I reached out with an untrusted glare directed to Jake. My small hand clenched the red cup as I sloshed the cool drink up and took a swig.

As soon as the drink his my lips, my mouth began to sting.

"That isn't Punch," I coughed and pushed the drink back towards Jake.

They all laughed, "We knew you couldn't handle it 'Goodie Goodie' ," said Patrick. I hate that nick name. The words bringing a familiar foul feeling to my body.

"Goodie Goodie my ass," I said with anger boiling in my cheeks. I grabbed the cup from Jakes hand and slammed the whole thing down to the last drop.

Little did I know I wouldn't remember most of the night.


Sorry I took so long to update... school has been crazy with essays and stuff.

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