Levi Ackerman

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I seriously thought that I walked into hell. I read the letter about ten more times just to see if I skipped a line that said she was just kidding. But no! She wasn't fucking kidding!!

Wait... what is today's date? I run to my calendar and I check where the x's ended. So the last time I checked the date off was yesterday. So today is Thursday and the person is coming on Friday...

Wait... did I just say he was coming Friday and today was Thursday?

HE'S GOING TO BE HERE TOMORROW!!! Oh and the best part is that: 1 I have school tomorrow. And 2 I have no idea when this asshole is going to show up at my door! It could be early in the morning. It could be at noon. It could be late at night! Nobody freaking knows! Okay stay calm Y/n. Stay calm! I think I need to go run some more.

-Time skip-

Today was any different from yesterday. Some punishments. Same threats. But it turns out the Armin is in my science class. I guess I really haven't token the time to notice my classmates.

Armin tried to talk to me, but I sort of tuned him out. Plus he never really talks that much anyway.

I make my way up to the roof, but a surtan teal eye boy stops me.

"Hey Y/n! Where you going," Eren asked. I just point up. "What don't you join us for lunch?"

"Eren don't get to close to her," I heard Mikasa say. Does this girl hate me or something?!

"Mikasa don't be rude. She's right there," Armin said. She didn't response, but she kept giving me glares. I just shook my head 'no' and walked to the stares. "I think you scared her of Mikasa." Like someone like her would scare me. I've been through hell and back and back again.

-Time skip-

I've tried calling the landlord so many times! She never picks up! All o want to know is when is my 'roommate' going to show up. Just in case I cleaned the house about 5 times. I lost track after 3.

I pace the floor and wonder into my own thoughts. What if this person is a complete jerk!? What if this person ends up bulling be to!?What if this person was the one who started all of the rumors!? So many thoughts went to my head. This went on for quite a while until the doorbell rung. Almost, ALMOST, tripped and fell face first, but quickly regain balance.

I open the door to be greeted by a guy with raven colored hair and gray eyes. He isn't that tall, but he's taller than me. He has this bored, emotionless face which could mean he isn't one of those loud, obnoxious people.

"Well are you going to let me in brat or are you going to keep staring at me," he hissed.

I looked at him confused and said, "Why would I let a complete stranger into my house?"

"Tch. Did you not get a letter from your freaking landlord? I'm you roommate dumb - ass," he said. This guy is my new roommate? He may have good looks, but his attitude is bad. Well I shouldn't be talking because I ain't any better myself.

I take a step to the side so I can let him in. He took his shoes off, but before he took another step, he observed the place. He dragged a finger across a near by shelf and check to see if it was dirty. So he has OCD huh? I do to, but mostly with grammer and art. Thank god I cleaned. Who knows what he would do if he found it dirty.

"Well at least you keep your house clean brat. Most people don't give a shit about there house being neat and clean," he told me. I just nodded my head "So where's my room." I showed him to the room. I always thought that room was a storage room with a bed, but I never put anything in there because I have nothing to storage. Thank god I also cleaned this room. I probably would have regretted that later.

I open the door for him and step aside to let him go in and get a clear view. "Did you clean this brat," he asked. What's with him and the word brat?

"Yes I did idiot," I replied back.

"What did you just say brat," he asked angrily.

"You address people to brats. So I address people to idiots, idiot," I said with a shrug. 'Tch' was his only reply. "Well I got to go for a run. If you're hungry there's food in the cabinets and refrigerator, but I suggest you don't because when I come back I'll take a shower and make dinner." He didn't say anything so I just took it as a yes. "You can rome around and get yourself settled in. But don't go in my room."

"Why is that," he said. Was that the only thing he heard.

"Would you like me go through your personal items," I said.

"Touchè," he said. Before I left I asked one more question.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Levi Ackerman."

"Y/n L/n."

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