Movie time!

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So the movie that they decided to watch was 'Jack the Reaper'. Funny thing is, that the first time I saw this movie, I thought it said 'Jack the rapper' (true story).

It's basically about 8 highschool students going on a field trip, but got into a bus accident and every one, except the teacher and bus driver, went into a unknown land that had an abandoned carnival. There they all die one by one. All except the one girl who stayed on the bus. (Ok. So basically I spoiled the whole movie. But if you still want to watch it, it's called Jack the Reaper. Not Ripper, Rapper. In my opinion it was hilarious!)

Right now we're close to the end. It's when everyone starts dieing one by one, by the hands of the grim reaper. There were alot of jump scares, as specially when it went back to the girl who stayed in the bus.

Every time the reaper popped out of nowhere, Armin and Eren would grab onto Mikasa, who wasn't frightened at all.

Sasha grabbed onto Connie, who was grabbing onto a pillow.

The other guy's where hugging a pillow as well and Jean... Jean was hidden under a mountain of blankets and you could tell he was shaking, even under all of that.

Hanji was all up on the TV, while doing research on Jack the Reaper.

And finally Petra and Levi. Petra was on the verge of crying while hanging onto Levi like no tomorrow. While Levi was just sitting there, still with his emotionless figure, not minding the movie at all. But under all that emotionless face, I could tell he was slightly annoyed.

When I first saw Petra clinging on to Levi, I had this weird filling in my chest, but I just shrugged it off. For me the movie was nothing. It was kind of stupid to me. Why didn't they just stay on the bus like that one girl?! She was the smartest one out of all of them!

I look at the scene before me. Everyone scared for there life except for Levi, Mikasa, Hanji and me. Then an idea popped into my head.

I got up and silently tip-toed to my bedroom to grab my sketchbook and pencil and my phone. Then silently tip-toed back to my spot. I took a quick and silent picture of the sight before me then I then began to draw before it's to late.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of steel gray eyes, looking at me. I looked up to him and stared at him and he stared back. This went one for quite a while until we heard the jock from the movie scream. He was trapped in the window maze, trying to escape, while the reaper slowly creeps up on him with his pick axes (in the movie, Jack has a pick axes for his weapon). The reaper finally got to him and stabbed his head with the pick axes. And another funny thing was that his friends were watching to. But seriously... why would you go into a window maze in the first place?!

I slightly giggled to myself as I watch the others around me jump and almost pee there pants. Is it really that fucking scary? Then I heard Levi chuckle to himself as well as he sees what I see. I look down at my picture and continue.

-Time skip-

In the end, every one was stunned by the way it ended.

It was all a weird dream that somehow everyone was connected to it and the people who died in the dream by the reaper, died in real life. The only surviver was the girl who stayed on the damn bus.

"Well then... that was and interesting," Gunther said.

"That was awfully scary," Petra said still frightened.

"Please I wasn't scared at all," Connie said.

"Tch. That was a boring ass movie if you ask me," Oluo said.

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