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-Being the lazy person I am,
Time skip
You are all caught up with each other
They all stayed over for dinner-

Everyone was staying for dinner and when I mean everyone I meant everyone! And guessed who cooked for them? I did. Why? Because they didn't want to order food and when they heard that I can cook, they all ganged up on me and forced me to cook.

So here I am, sitting at the dinner table with at least five more people and the rest sat in the living room, watching a movie. The people who were sitting at the table were Levi, Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Armin and Eren were talking. Levi and Mikasa were eating there food in piece and Hanji is asking me questions about my cooking.

"So Y/n, where did you learn to cook? Have you ever cooked for a 5 star restaurant because your food is amazing! I mean look at Levi, he hardly eats anything that was made by anyone in this room, but he keeps taking more," she said while looking at Levi.

"Tch. Fucking leave me alone Shitty-Glasses," he said glaring at her and sighed irritably afterwards.

"But it's true." And he just responded with is normal 'tch'.

"Anyway Y/n," she said looking back at me, waiting for me to answer her question.

"Well first, I never cooked at a 5 star restaurant because I never thought my cooking was that good. And second, I taught myself. After I lost my parents, I had to learn how to cook with the stuff I had left because I had felt that I wasn't ready to go to the stores by myself at the time. That was until I did run out of food, which took about a month."

"Interesting," she said while scribbling down on a note pad. While she was writing, I felt someone tap an my shoulder. I turn round to see Armin and Eren were starring at me.

"Y/n we were wondering what you were going to do for the talent show, if you do end up losing the deal," Eren said.

"Yeah Y/n. I want to here about this too," Hanji exclaimed.

Levi's POV

I've been getting this weird feeling every time I see Jaeger and other boys hanging out with Y/n. As specially Jaeger. It's like I want to shove them apart every time they are so close to each other or punch them when ever they try to hit on her, which is mostly Horseface. I'm going to ask Hanji about this later

I 'tched' at the thoughts and continued eating Y/n's food. And Hanji was right. I hardly eat any thing that anyone makes. It's one of the reasons why I li---- wait...... WHAT!!!??? Was I really about to say that 'I like her'!? What the fuck!!! I need to ask Hanji about this soon...real soon.

In fact I'll ask her right now. And right when Y/n was about to reply to their question, I spoke up.

Your POV

"Oi Shitty-Glasses I need to talk to you," Levi spoke up.

"Um... sure. What do you need," she replied.

"In private stupid," and with that, he got up to leave and it looks like he's going to his room. Hanji followed after think on what just happened.

The four of us just went on eating. That was until Armin reminded of their question.

"Well I might just play the violin or piano.... something.... I don't know," I said taking in a deep sigh. And after some silence that filled the house and the only thing you heard was the movie that was playing, we all jumped when we heard a really I high pitch screech. Someone must have had a really big fan-girl moment, I thought.

Don't Let Me Go (Levi X Reader) [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant