Camping trip (part 5)

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After they had left and was far enough, we made our way  down the tree were in. We were just standing there in complete silence. That is until Hanji spoke.

"*sigh* I had  a hunch that was all Petra wanted to talk about," she said rubbing her neck while looking up.

"Then why did you have to bring me along Hanji," I asked her.

"Every time someone would come along they would all ways blow our cover."

"What would happen if I was like the others who would blow it as well?"

"I... I just knew you wouldn't." Having a satisfied answer I let it go. "We need to run back but the trail that we took will give us away because will make noise is we were to run on it. Which will give us away." After she told me this I had remembered something my father told me. I took off my shoes, but leaving my socks on, tied to laces together and slung them unto my shoulders.

"What are you doing Y/n?"

"If you run bare footed on a trail like this, your footsteps will make less noise. But I would suggest you do it with socks. I think it will create even less noise also it wouldn't hurt your feet as much."

"Great idea Y/n!" She pulled off her shoes as well and left the socks. She also tied the laces together and slung them over her shoulders as well. As she finished, we took off.

-- 4 minutes time skip--

We kept running until we spotted Petra on the other trail. She was walking with her head down and not to far ahead was Levi. He just kept on walking with his stoic face. As we were passing them by, Hanji accidentally bumped into some branches that were sticking out of the a bush. Which unfortunately shook the whole bush. We both stopped running and froze. I ran up to Hanji who was crouching down right next to the bush. We both took a peek out of a gape in the bush and found that Levi was heading towards us.

Come on Y/n think! If you don't want to get caught in this situation, use that brain of yours and think of a way out of this mess. Fuck. I knew karma was going to come bit me in the ass.

After mentally scolding myself I finally thought of something...

Levi's POV

Why won't she just accepted the fact that I only think of her as a friend? When will she get it through her thick, stubborn head. And what the fuck?! When did Y/n start developing feelings for me?! I just met her a few days ago! She can't possibly go over heads for me that quickly.

I was cut of from my thoughts when I suddenly heard bushes rustle. I became a bit curious so I slowly made my way towards the bush. I got closer and close until I saw finch pop out from the bush. I believe it's a female American Goldfinch. Tch. got all worked up just for a fucking bird. It flew off and I started to walk away.

Your POV

I sighed and was relieved that it had worked. Me and Hanji got back up and started to run back to the cabin.

--Time skip--

We made it back to the cabin before Levi and Petra. Hanji took me to a different window and it turned out that it was the window to the room were Hanji keep her mythical shit. We got into the room and quickly shut the window. We were panting because it was another 4 minute run from the bush.

"How did you know how to run bare footed and call a female finch?! That was amazing," Hanji exclaim.

"Well my dad taught me. Me and my parents were camping and was playing hide and seek. Mom was the seeker and me and dad teamed up. He told me that running with no shoes on, it will keep you from making noise. My dad also took me bird watching a lot. He told me that most male birds make sounds that they make just to get a female and sometimes females would do it as well."

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