The truth

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--Day of exams--

Today is the day of the exams and the day that decides whether or not I should join the talent show. And since I have new competitors, it might be a bit of a challenge, as specially when the others say that Levi had the top scores last year. But who knows.... I could probably change that. Though I shouldn't get to cocky.

You know what you should be doing? Stop thinking that you can do it, then thinking you can't.

Who the fuck are you?!

The voice inside your head stupid.

So my conscious?

No the voice inside your head! Now listen to mean and stop telling me what I am.

So I'm crazy now?

Possibly. Now look out for that street pole.

By the time I snapped out of the argument with myself to move away from the pole, I already ran into it. Hard too.

"OW!! Son of a bitch," I yelled out in pain. I rub my forehead the most because that's where I collided first.

"Tch. Stupid brat. That's what you get for zoning out too much," Levi said.

"Gee. No 'Are you okay' but a 'Stupid brat'? That's just rude."

"I don't need to ask if your okay if you were going to yell out "OW!! Son of a bitch" really loud," he said mocking my earlier shout out. And just for that I know a perfect way to get him back.

"Well you still could have asked," I pouted.

"Tch. Fine. Are you okay?"

"No Levi. You didn't just see myself run into the street pole really hard," I said sarcastically, "You know you shouldn't ask people if they are okay when you clearly know that they really aren't."

"Oh my fucking god," He said. I laugh lightly. But you have to admit, it's a bit funny. "You know, hopefully the hit to the head doesn't effect you on your exam."

"Are we getting cocky now Levi?"

"I was just saying that it could effect you when you take your exam. And considering how stupid you are, it could effect you even more."

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"What if I am?"

Oh... it's on.

--Time skip at you school gate... still arguing--

"Well you know what?! You could be just as stupid as a fucking pigeon!"

"I'll have you know that pigeons are one of he smartest birds in the world! So I'll be taking that as a complement because you just admitted that I was smart. So thank you very much!"

"I said 'as a pigeon' I never said you were one! So technically I never said that you were smart!"

"But you were comparing me with one so technically you did!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"



"DID NOT!!!"

"DID TOO!!!"


We both snapped our heads to where the voice came from and yelled, "WHAT!!!"

While we were yelling, we both ended giving that person a deadly, DEADLY, glare. When we finally recognized who it was, we went back to glaring at each other. Oh and that person was Hanji by the way.

"You do know that if someone were to 'accidentally' bump one of you, you two would be kissing right now," she said and with that we both backed away from each other. But we still gave each other deadly glares. If only looks can kill.

Hanji cleared her throat and we both looked at her. She then pointed to the entire school and all the other students, and I mean ALL were looking at us. We both grew annoyed and yelled, "WHAT?! DO YOU ALL GOT A PROBLEM?!" And right after we said tgat ee eent back to glaring at each other. We didn't notice it, but everyone scurried to their classes except our group of friend.

At this point I was really, REALLY , annoyed. I just took a deep breath and said, "I did not need this in the fucking morning, right before a damn exam, Levi."

"Tch. I should be saying the same thing."

And with that I walked of to my first class. Levi and Petra followed behind me, while Jean and Armin stay with the group for a few more minutes.

This is going to be a long ass fucking day.

--Time skip--

Honestly, I thought that the exams weren't that bad, but I can't say the same for the others, well maybe, Erwin, Mikasa, Hanji, and Levi. The others look like they just saw a dead relative come back to life and now their souls are slowly seeping out of their mouths, also they are really pale.

"Tch that's what you get for not studying," Levi said bluntly. The rest just groaned in frustration and regret for not studying.

I laughed a little, but immediately regretted it because my head started to hurt like hell. I held my head and groaned in pain. After the pain subsided, I stood up and said, "I'm going to go to the nurses office to get some Advil or something to get rid of this headache."

They just nodded and went back to laying on the floor. As I opened the door I felt someone staring at me but I just ignore it and started to head to the nurses office.

--After getting the medicine--

The nurse seemed nice.

Pfft. She's just acting. For all we know she could be a nurse during the day and a hooker at the night.

Why are you so mean?

Why are you so annoying?

You do know you called yourself annoying right?

And you called yourself mean.

And with that the voice was gone and I noticed that I was already by at the stairs to the roof. I started to walk up and said, "Damn. I must be going insane."

"Well if your going insane, you should stay away from Levi senpai."

I stopped, looked up and saw two girls. One with long black hair and one with short ginger hair. The girl with long hair was waring a crop top and shorts that were so damn short. And the girl with ginger hair wore a sweat shirt and had the hoodie on so it could cover her face. How I could tell that she had ginger hair was that some of it was showing.

I just look at the two with an emotionless face and said, "And if I don't?"

The girl with long hair came down to me and said while poking my sternum, "We will make your life a living hell."

"Oh please, my life already is a living hell. So what can you possibly do to make it any worst?"

"Like this." And with that the ginger came down fast and pushed me. Everything went in slow motion, but the only thing I was thinking about was the owner of the voice. And I know who's voice it belong to. I thought I could trust her. I thought she trusted me. But in the end, it was exactly how it always turns out. They all fucking back stab you once they were finish with you.

And I thank one person to thank for that. For making me lose my trust to the human race. Petra.

And as I fall, I simply smile at her. And every thing goes black.

The last thing on my mind was how one person, just one person can ruin everything and not just for themselves but for....

everyone else.

Words 1257


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