Camping trip (part 3)

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Me and Levi stayed up in the tree for about 30 more minutes be deciding to head back to the cabin. The walk was really nice. It was quite between the two of us and sights that we pass were beautiful. As we walk I start to stare off into space again. 5 minutes later, Levi broke the silence and took me out of my trance.

"So, you never told me why you were crying earlier," he said.

"When we had a little argument? If so, then you should be smart enough to figure it out," I told him.

"And I do know that reason. What I'm saying is that you were crying in your sleep."

Oh... that's why... Should I tell him? I mean we are friends, right? I took my time thinking about this, but I think I took too much time because I think Levi got the wrong idea.

" Tch. You don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable."

"No it's not that," I paused and took a deep breath. Here we go. "I had a dream, well flashback, about my parents on their death bed. I saw a 10 year old me and my parents on the hospital beds. Dad was unconscious and mom was the only one little me was talking to. Back then I was really stupid to ask why and where they were going and mother just told me they won't be back for a long time. And before they were about to leave, little me asked mother to sing for her," I paused and gave out a small chuckle before I said, "You want to know something else? I always knew that song from somewhere, but I couldn't remember where I knew it from. I guess you can say that I'm really messed up for forgetting something that my mother could give me for the very last time."

Levi didn't respond to that, but he stop dead in his tracks. "Y/ really don't have to tell me. I know it's hurting you."

"No Levi. It's okay. I trust you enough to hear out my problems," I said. Then I told him what mother told me after she finished singing and I told him how I was being very stubborn. At the end, I feel a warm feeling on my cheek and what I also didn't expect was that Levi came up to me and... hugged me.

"Idiot. I told you this was going to hurt you and you still told me any why. You really are stubborn," he told me. I just chuckled at how stubborn I still am. We stayed like this for another minute or 2.

"Hey Levi?"

"What is it Y/n?"

"Lets keep this between the two of us."

"And why is that?"

"Are you trying to be stupid?"

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not."

"Well I know everyone looks up to you and if they found out that you were being all soft, then they are defiantly going to say something," I explained.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," he said with a smirk.

"So you were playing stupid. I thought you actually were stupid," I told him. He pulled back and flicked my forehead which caused me to put my hand over the spot he flicked. "Jerk."

We began to walk and Levi said, "Idiot."



"Clean freak."

"1. You're a clean freak too. And 2. There is nothing wrong with having things clean."

"Not unless you're a maid. And for your information, at least I don't take offence to being called a clean freak."

"But you take offence when someone calls you short?"

"That's something we can't change about ourselves. And I'm pretty sure you know the pain as well, Levi."

We kept arguing for another 5 minutes until I finally won. The one thought came into my head.

"Have you ever lost anybody important Levi? You don't have to tell."

"You told me who you lost, so might as well tell you. Yes I have lost somebody before, but they were 2 somebodies. There names were Isabel and Farlan. They past away when I started middle school. They past because a group of high school students beat them to death. They broke a lot of there bones and they lost so much blood. I found out about this the day after the incident."

This time I was the one to hug him and like me, he accepted it.

"I wish I could have at least see them again or say good bye to them."

I hugged him tighter until an idea came up in my head.

"Levi can you write me what they look like in as much detail as you can?"

"Do you know how weird that sounds Y/n?"

"Yeah but I'm sure it would be worth it."

"Wait. What do you mean by it?"

"Oh look the cabin is right there. When you get inside Levi, start writing. I'll need that paper ASAP," I yelled at him before running inside the cabin.

When I enter through the door, I was greeted by maids. I gave them my jacket and took off my shoes. I run pass the living room so I can get to my room, but was stopped when Hanji yelled.


"Can't talk right now Hanji," I cut her off before running off. I reach my room and took out the all of my painting supplies. I knew these would come in handy if I brought them. I put every thing on my bed and open my door to get Hanji, but when I opened the door, Hanji was already there.

"Y/n what is going on?!"

"Like I said before, not time to explain. Now can you lead me to an empty room that I can have to myself for the day?"

"Not until you tell me what's going on?"

"Fine. I know what to give Levi for his  birthday."

"That's great. But that's not what I'm asking. Where were you for 3 hours!"

"Oh... I accidentally fell asleep in a tree."

"A big ass tree too." We both turn around the owner of the voice and saw Levi there with a piece of paper. "Here," he said giving me the paper.

"That was fast," I told him.

"When it comes to my 2 close friends, then it's easy to remember their physical details."

"Oh...ok. Now Hanji I need that room before I forget!"

"Alright follow me." She said and started to run down the hall way.

I grabbed my easel and the bag that holds my painting supplies and started to run after her.

--small Time skip--

After running through long hall ways, Hanji finally stopped at a door. It was locked, but Hanji had a key for it.

"Here you go," she opened up the door and what I saw was an art room, filled with lots of paint, easels, palettes, paints, canvases, sketch paper, colored pencils, pastels, and ect. "My mother likes to do a lot of art here. I'm sure you can use it and here are the keys so you can get in when ever."

"This awesome Hanji. Thank you."

"No problem. Anything to get my ship together," she said then ran off. I just sighed and walked into the room. I locked the door behind me and observed my surrounding. This room is huge! It has everything you need! But since none of this stuff is mine, I won't use any of it. Only the stuff I brought.

I set up my easel and take out my palette, paint and paint brush. But before I could start painting, I look back at the info Levi gave me. I scan the list and took yet another sigh.

"This may take longer than I thought."

1275 words

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