Day 1

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Levi didn't know what to say. He didn't know why it had to happen now. All he knew was that Y/n needed him. She needed comfort and affection, but Levi being Levi, he didn't know how.

Levi needed to calm her down, so he just ended up kissing her, thinking that it was the best solution. Honestly, Y/n was surprised that Levi had started to say loving words to her as well. This obviously took her mind off the situation for a bit.

Y/n's Pov

I just sat there, feeling so embarrassed. Embarrassed that Levi had to see my weak side. I hate this side of me. I feel weak and useless even though I know I'm not. It just happens. I feel so dead. I just continued to stare off into space until Levi spoke.

"Y/n, I'm going to call the others and tell them that you are not feeling well and not able to go down. Will that be alright with you?"

All I did was nod. I didn't want to speak right now. I just want to close my eyes and forget. Forget that you saw me. Forget that I even went on this trip. Forget that my parents are gone. Forget about the text messages. Forget about the hate. I just want to forget myself.

I then heard that Levi put his phone on speaker and I ended up listening to their conversation

"What do you mean that she isn't feeling well?!"

"Calm the fuck down Shitty-Glasses. Y/n will probably explain later. Just make sure that you guys don't bomb her with calls, texts, or questions."

"....Fine, but she better get well soon or else we'll spend the entire vacation in your guy's room!"

"What ever."

He then hung up irritably.

Fuck. I have to explain?

Levi walked into the room and sat down on the bed. I lifted my head so he could slide his leg underneath me. We stayed in this position for a while.



"You know we are not using you right? I mean to get this vacation."

"I know that..."

"Why do you sound unsure?"

"It's not that. It's just that I have so many questions that are forcing me too feel insecure about this."

"Questions? Like what?"

"Like why does this constantly happen to me? Why am I always being targeted when ever I finally make new friends? Why am I always forced away from the people I love? Why can't I just have one day where I can be at peace? Why? Why does this happen to me? Why do you love me? How can you love me?"

After that I started to break down into tears once more. Way does this happen to me? Levi didn't say anything, but all he did was take my hand and kissed it. Why must he see this side of me again?

"Levi, I don't want to regret meeting you and the others. You guys made me feel so loved. I haven't felt this in such a long time. I don't want to lose you or the others... you guys mean so much to me," I told him. "Please don't leave me, Levi."

"Y/n every since I met you I have changed the way I have viewed people. Even the people within the group. I always thought that they were just annoying childish people and that had nothing better to do with themselves. I was always cold to them and never gave a damn what happened. But that changed when I met you. When I first saw you, I thought that you were this beautiful angle that fell from heaven itself. Everything about you changed myself. And when you told me about your past, I fell for you even more. I wanted to protect you from your false "friends". I wanted to punch Kirstein every time he flirts with you. Hell I wanted to beat the crap out of anyone who even touched you. Y/n you are the most important person in my life and I never want that to change no matter what."

Don't Let Me Go (Levi X Reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now