A/N: Society Is So Cruel

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This obviously is not an update for a chapter, but i wanted to say something to all of you lovely Sireners.

Recently I have been thinking a lot about how our society that we live in is so cruel. I am either reading a story on Wattpad, or scrolling through Instagram or Twitter and I see posts about how people physically harm themselves because of their life they live. Either they are bullied, want pain to just leave, or they are hurt at home, live in a bad environment. It pains me to see, read, or even know friends that have these problems.

I always want to just hug the person and tell them that everything will be okay, but sometimes that isn't the case. It pains me to know that there are people out there that so hardly try to just escape all the pain and harm themselves. Whether you are suicidal, harm yourself, or just need someone to talk to, I am always here.

The fact that people are bullied at school and have no way to take the pain away except hurt themselves, hurts me. Our society has grown to be so judge mental about what others wear, how people look. It's terrible. You dress however you want, whether it be band merchandise or designer clothing. You do whatever you want because no matter how others look at you or treat you, you will always be better than them.  

It frightens me to see how the future will be. This generation is so fucked up that i sometimes can't comprehend certain conversations about suicide and our society because it is just so terrible to know what some people do to solve pain. But then I know how most of this fandom survives, and it's music. Most people think that the type of music we listen to is about killing yourself, but it actually is what saves so many lives. And that makes me smile to know that I witness such an amazing and powerful feeling each day by some of you.

You can inbox me, tell me about whatever you want to say, i don't care. I always want to try and help, to make you feel better. I promise i will always be here to talk to you. My profile has a list of places you can contact me on, so please. If you need to talk to someone, I am here.

I'm not saying you have to talk to me but if you want to, that is perfectly fine with me. Life is too short to just end, so follow your dreams and never look down.

"Wrists are for bracelets, not cutting." - Kellin Quinn

Stay beautiful. I love you all♥ - Saisha

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