TO OKC... I Applaud You

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I'm very proud of the Warriors for the fight they have put up and for winning this series they worked hard for it. But this post is about to be directed towards OKC and their fans. I'm not about to rub anything y'all's faces matter a fact this is me applauding y'all because there's gonna be a lot of GSW celebration on here tonight. I want to applaud y'all's team for putting up on helluva fight. They didn't give up they didn't let the fact that they had led the series for a minute change the fact of how they played. And that earned them so much respect in my book so I will definitely be on the look out for them next season(not trying to bandwagon). I applaud them for keep their eyes and minds on the prize. I applaud them for going about everything the way they did. I applaud them for their attitudes when people counted them out. I applaud them for making it this far. I applaud KD for his streak he had this season. I applaud Russell for his triple doubles this season. I applaud Cameron Payne for making it this far and this close to the finals. I applaud the entire OKC team for the select contributions for this moment. I appluad the staff,franchise, organization for this team. I applaud those wives,girlfriends,childeren, significant others and family members who have had to deal with the stress that was placed on their select player. I applaud the fans for being loyal,supportive and loving.
This series OKC taught me to appreciate the process of those who were counted out. Because I was made aware of many people saying that they wouldn't make it this far. They were counted out and if there's one thing I love its the process of those who are counted out /the underdog process. And I love when people come out on top like OKC did despite the end result. That earned them more respect and love in my book.
This team fought like no other and they showed everyone why thy deserved to be in the playoffs. And I believe that they deserved to be here. But if I had to say something to them as a whole it would be that they should not let this get to them. They should use this series as a weapon to go back and study and make themselves ten times better. Come back with a vengeance like something that was yours rightfully has been stolen from you. Use this as a way to make a team bond that will have y'all coming back as killers next season. But most of all put faith in God and your teammates.And now to these two specific players. Russell and Kevin low key made a imprint on my heart as I watched this series and even before they were matched up with the Warriors. I saw the fight and the passion they had to win a ring for their team...for their city. And I was like this is something that I like to see in players. This is something that I can pay attention to. They honestly made my heart grow fonder of them and I'm just like I want them to win but you know you also want your team to win. But back to who I was talking about. They gave me this burst of excitement. It was something about the way they played that I never played attention to. Their attitudes going into the playoffs. It drew me in and I could go on for a lil minute about how they have impacted my little heart but that'd be long or weird.
And to the people who judge the way Westbrook acts when he loses like tonight how he left as soon as the clock struck zero. I don't see that as bad sportsmanship I see that as a man who thinks he's failed his team. I see that as someone who was hungry for a ring and had it in his grasp but it was snatched away. That's how I'm viewing him and their entire team. These men wanted go bring something so special back to their city but they had it snatched. So can you blame them? Can you blame him for his actions? No because we have no idea how it feels to be in their select position. And I'm gonna need y'all to start putting some respeck on their names!! And I'm not gone say it no mo'.
I look forward to seeing them next season. They just might be some killers when we see them again.

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