Being Black.

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As we all know what happened last night there was another shooting of a black life. His name was Alton. I just wanna say this he had an entire family that depended on him. He had children and a wife. Now they all have to live with the fact that he's gone. For what? Because the police once again have overstepped their boundaries and killed an innocent man. I am absolutely tired of seeing stuff like this.  I'm tired of seeing black men get killed for nothing. I am tired of seeing black people harassed for nothing. I'm tired of it! We have done nothing but be on this earth. Why do White people hate us so much? If anything we have the RI GHT to hate/dislike them. Now I'm not saying all white people are like this because they aren't. But my God there's a large percentage of white people who are just nasty and evil. No one understands the trials you have to go through being black. Everyone wants to be black until its time to be black. Everyone wants to adore us until it's time to fight for us.  Everyone wants to be with us until it's time to be for us. Like I don't understand why we're being targeted. We do nothing but aim to be successful and educated. We don't force anything on anyone at all. We just do us. Like it's to the point where when it's time for me personally to choose what college I go to I know for sure that going to a PWI is going to be in the back of my mind. Why? Because if anyone follows The Melanin Plug on Twitter you will see that there's black people out here telling their stories about how they have been racially profiled or harassed / treated different by the Cops. And there was one about this black couple who were on their University campus just simply having a picnic and talking about spiders. And the police came. Or another instance that happened last year a guy was on his campus coming from the library 12 at night and the police came up to him and tried to accuse him of a robbery that happened in a neighborhood. How? Like this type of stuff plays on people decisions and mind.  I just want to understand why they feel threatened by us. You know what just look at some of these tweets. Then let me know if racism still exist. Because when something happens and we fight about it that first thing to pop out of mouths is that "everything isn't about race." Or "All live matter."


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