Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

* D a r c y *

     His peircing green eyes were looking at me, intensively, so magnetic. He knew he was trouble if he came towards my way of the lot. He did so anyways. He looked like a white beautiful Angel. Someone who would sweep you off your feet, someone you would assume that will treat you right. He looked like a beautiful Angel. His curls, His pink lips, His tall figure, and his green eyes made me want to fall. Suddenly, he becomes blurry and I become confused.

"Darcy!" A voice makes my eyes burst open and I am panting.

"Darcy!" Cries my mom again and I jerk up. My eyes firstly turns to my clock that read, 6:23 a.m. Only, three minutes late to actually head up but I turn to my mother who was studying me. I calm my panting and smile.

"Morning." Pretending it was nothing.

"Darcy, you were talking in your sleep." My mother recalls. Yet, I am astound by my action because never in my life have I spoke in my dreams.

"What was I saying." I remember my dream perfectly. Bewildered because it was about that co-worker.

"He looked like a beautiful Angel." Instantly, my eyes burst wide because I was thinking about in my dream.

"Did I really?" I awkwardly laugh and sink into the back of my headboard.

"Who is this he you was talking about?" She asks and I hop off bed, since I am late, I this in my hoodie and some jeans for school. Plus, to answer my mother, I must say the truth. I can't lie to her.

"This guy from work." I answer truthfully.

"Oh, be careful on who is good and who is bad." She pointed her finger at me and I nod.

     Once she left, I finish myself up to head for school. It's Wednesday, which means it's the middle of the week. Later though, I have work. When I got to school, my friends were at our usual spot. Three doors down to the office, perfect view of the parking lot and next to the gate to head inside school, school.

"Hi guys!" I chirp and they all smile.

"Hi Darcy." They say in different cues.

"So did he smoke in front of you again?" Said my friend Melissa, mentioning that co-worker.

"I dreamed of him." I dished and they all gasped. They all made our small group tighter and smaller. I told them my dream from the beginning to my blabbering in my sleep.

"That's weird Darcy." Spoke my friend Amanda. "I am actually considering to go to Sears and see this boy."

"Not even worth it." I giggled and strolled off to class by the sound if the loud annoying school bell.

     I came straight to my house after school to dischange and off to my work. Once in Sears, I was glad I didn't see that co-worker. Plus, above all dreams and many many subjects why him? That is the main conception. Why? I shook it off and began to walk towards the back door but it came to lovely surprise to be greeted by the cigarette smell killing my sense of smell.

     My cough began to dramatically increase and this time I didn't here him chuckle. I wiped the smoke away with my hand and looked at him. His piercing green eyes. It took a moment of my realization that I was still present in front of him.

     Then I took my whole confidence to do this and courage courage to flow into me. I lifted my chin up and took a big breath.

"Do you always smoke?" As for I thought that might sound confident, but it actually was weak and overly to sweet.

That Co-Worker [Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now