Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Harry's POV*

"Yes, Liam. But not to help them get to the hospital. Ruth can't make it there anymore; her contractions are too close and she can't get up off the floor. You need to help Ruth give birth to the baby," Karen said on the other end of Liam's phone. No way!

Liam's eyes widened in shock. "WHAT?! You want me to what? Help Ruth? With the baby? Are you serious?!" Liam exclaimed in panic. I snickered at his reaction and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yes, I am, Liam! Please! Your father and I are stuck at work and we can't get home now. This will mean so much to me and Ruth if you help her give birth," Karen said.

"Mum, I have no idea how to do that!" Liam exclaimed.

"Liam, didn't you say you've always wanted experience in that field? Well, here is your opportunity!"

"What? No! Mum, I NEVER said that! I said I wanted to be a fireman, not a doctor! I have no idea how to deal with something like this!"

"Liam, hunny, it's almost the exact same thing! Just think of it like saving a baby's life, just in Ruth," Karen said calmly. I smiled and chuckled at that.

"That makes it even worse! Oh Gosh! Now the image is stuck in my head!" Liam said, covering his eyes with one hand.

"Okay, that's good! Keep thinking about that and go home! Help Ruth with your niece or nephew!" Karen exclaimed, making Liam panic some more.

"Mum, do I really have to remind you that I'm only 16?! I have no experience in this whatsoever, nor have I ever wanted to! And, I don't wanna be scarred for the rest of my life!" Liam said.

"Hunny, stop being a baby! Go home and help your sister before she has her baby! Callum is no help whatsoever, and they're both a wreck!"

"Mum, I can't - " Liam tried to say, but Karen cut her off.

"That's it! Liam James Payne, you go home right now and deal with your sister! Help your niece or nephew live and I won't have to ground you! Please, Liam! You're the only person your sister trusts - other than me and a doctor!" Karen raised her voice on the phone and Liam flinched.

Liam sighed and closed his eyes tightly. "Fine, Mum. I'll do it. I'm going home now. I can't believe I'm agreeing to do this. This will be the death of me," Liam muttered into the phone.

"Thank you, sweetie! And you'll do great and you'll be fine! Just call me when you get there and I will instruct you on what to do. Bye, hunny! Good luck and go home quickly!" Karen said and hung up.

Liam still had his eyes closed and he put his phone away. I smiled and walked over to him. "Liam, you're gonna be fine."

He opened his eyes, and scowled at me. "Harry, don't even lie to me. I will actually die of a heart attack at 16 for what I will see."

I chuckled and hugged him, kissing his forehad. "I'm not letting you die on me. I'll save you any way I can."

I heard footsteps behind me and saw my family standing there, beaming at me.

"You're gonna help your sister give birth? That's so sweet!" El said happily.

Liam frowned. "It may sound sweet, but it really isn't. I have to do this because my sister and her husband are being complicated. She only trusts me, a 16 year old who has no idea what giving birth is like, let alone what it looks like," Liam stated.

We all laughed at what he said. "You'll do fine, Liam. All you have to do is tell her to push and hold the baby when it comes out," Mum said to him

"I will be scarred by what I will see. I will never unsee any of that. I will never look at my sister the same way," Liam said.

"At least you'll be helping her with your nephew or niece," Johannah said. 

Liam sighed and rubbed his eyes as if he was tired. "I have to go now before my sister actually gives birth without me. Then I will get in trouble for not being there."

I smiled and pulled him to the door. Milo and Nyko barked, following us out. "Bye everyone! Goodnight!" I called back to my family. They waved back and closed the door.


*Liam's POV*

We got to my house and Harry parked on the curb. I got out as soon as he stopped the car and ran to the door. Milo and Nyko barked and he opened opened the back door to let them out. They followed after after me, Harry close behind.

I opened the door and called out to my sister. "Ruth!"

"Ugh! Callum, I hate you for this - Liam! You're here! Finally!" Ruth exclaimed from the floor.

I gulped and smiled shakily at her. "Hey Ruth...How far are your contractions from each other?" I asked, kneeling beside her.

"About a minute away from each oth- Oh my f***! Man, That hurts! I hate you so much, Callum, for doing this to me!" Ruth screamed.

"I know, babe. Love you too. Liam, what do we do now?" Callum said.

"I have no idea. I'll call Mum," I said and quickly called her. Harry went to sit on the far couch with Milo and Nyko. He smiled at me and mouthed that I'll do just fine. I smiled back softly and Mum picked up. "Mum! I'm home! What do I do now?"

"Get towels for the baby and make Ruth lie on one so she doesn't ruin the floor," Mum said calmly.

"Really, Mum? You're worried about the floor?!" I said and quickly ran to the closet with the towels. I pulled 3 towels out in all sizes we had and ran back to Ruth. "Here. Lie down on this. Mum doesn't want you to ruin the floor," I told her and she looked at me sharply.

"Mum! I know you can hear me! How is the floor more important than your grandchild?!" Ruth yelled at my phone.

"Don't answer that, Liam. Now, sweetie, listen carefully. I need you to look at your sister's 'ahem' and check if the baby's already out," Mum said.

"WHAT?! Mum, I'm not doing that!" I exclaimed and turned to Callum. "Callum, look at Ruth's 'v-thing' and check if the baby's out!"

"What?! Why do I have to - "Callum said, but Ruth grabbed his shirt to pull him down.

"Do it, you idiot! You've already seen it anyways! And do I have to remind you that this is YOUR child too?!" Ruth yelled at him.

Callum blinked and shook his head at her. He pulled away and went to kneel at her legs. "So, I just look and - Oh gosh!" he said and then fainted.

"Callum! No! Why did you have to faint?" I said.

"Liam, if he fainted then you have to do it. Just look and then tell your sister to push. Just keep your hands there and hold the baby as it comes out," Mum told me.

"Mum, I can't do this! It's too much!" I said desperately as Ruth screamed in pain.

"Liam, you don't have a choice. Based on her screams, Ruth is ready to push, if she isn't already," Mum said calmly.

I turned to Ruth with wide eyes. "Ruth, do not pus- "

"I am so pushing this baby out of me now! I don't care what you have to say!" Ruth telled and screamed as she pushed.

I started yelling out nonsense in my panic. "Liam! Sweetie, please help your sister! Check for the baby as it comes out!" Mum yelled from the phone.

"Fine! I'm doing it," I said and went over to her legs.

Oh good mercy, this is not happening!...Is that the head?!

*Liam's niece or nephew is about to be born! Poor Liam! Forced to be scarred by helping his sister give birth. Callum fainted! - He was no help! :D

What will happen next?* x

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