Chapter 7 *

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After I had survived the first hour, I conclude that the school here is not so bad. Instead of strictly academically, the subjects here are of a more practical nature.

Such as the learning of Jutsu, the theory of fighting, the natural flow of Chakra and much more. Of course, there are normal subjects such as math and history, but even those I find interesting because it's ninja adjusted.

For example math: Calculate the flight path of a shuriken. As for history, I'm interested in it because I don't know anything about this world and everything here is so different.

During the break, we are immediately surrounded by the girls in our class. Arguing and screaming they try to gain our attention but I just roll annoyed with the eyes and am pointing Sasuke with a nod to follow me.

Almost imperceptibly nodding he looks to the ground, and we begin to crawl on the floor past the girls. Oddly, through all that arguing they don't notice that we're gone. At each other smirking, we sprint outside.

We sit down in the shade of a large tree and unpack our food. Sasuke eyed my bread curiously while I do the same with his rice. Asking we look at each other and nod. We change our lunch and try each other's food.

Carefully I take the chopsticks and put some rice into my mouth. It tastes better than expected, as I have never eaten cold rice before. Sasuke is carefully chewing a piece of my nut nougat cream bread, and I have to laugh.

With a hoisted eyebrow he looks at me with bulging cheeks. I take his tissue and clean his smudged mouth. He is blushing red, and we make a jump when we hear a deafening "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" around us.

"Shit! They've found us." I whisper in Sasuke's ear which triggers another cry. Sighing we exchange our food again, and we both eat what we have brought. Irritated my eyebrow begins to twitch. Sasuke slowly leans in and retorted near my ear: "Try to ignore them. The break is almost finished anyway." 

After a last and also the loudest "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" we are finally be left in peace, because the majority of the girls fainted. Shaking my head, we finish our food and go back to class.

Once there, I see in the row in front of our bench a familiar blond mop of hair. I go up to him and touch his shoulder. Startled, he looks up to me and almost yells into my ear: "NAO-KUN! What are you doing here, dattebayo!"

I roll with the eyes. "Hello, Naruto-kun. Starting today, I'm going to the Academy, but why are you only here now?" He rubs his neck: "I overslept." Head shaking, I say: "I'll wake you up in the mornings from now on, okay?" "Sure that would be great, dattebayo! Thanks, Nao-kun!" He hugs me briefly, and I go back to my seat.

3rd POV

When Nao has just placed her butt on the chair, Sakura appears in front of her again. She wrestles nervously with her hands and slightly flushed cheeks. "Uhm ... Nao-kun?" Nao looks up at her and pulls an eyebrow upward.

"I wanted to tell you that you should keep away from Naruto." Now both eyebrows shoot into the air, but inside she is boiling with suppressed rage. "And why should I do that, Sakura-san?" She gets even redder.

"My parents tell me to stay away from him. They never mentioned exactly why, but I thought you should know." Naruto who is sitting behind Sakura has his head hanging sadly because he thinks Nao will be staying away from now on.

Sasuke followed the conversation carefully, as he also wants to know why Nao would spend time with an idiot like Naruto. Sighing Nao closes her eyes briefly trying not to scream at Sakura in anger.

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